Barbara Czarniawska | GRI, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
This chapter depicts a personal and a professional trajectory caused by the narrative turn in the social sciences. It went from an original enchantment to a more distanced and nuanced approach, but in the end the narrative take established itself firmly in social studies, in this chapter exemplified by organization studies. Of great importance were the charismatic guides to the narrative, such as Jerome Bruner and Alasdair MacIntyre, who translated narratology’s main notions for the use of social scientists.
Angotti, Marcello, Aracéli Cristina de S. Ferreira, Teresa Eugénio & Manuel Castelo Branco
2024. A narrative approach for reporting social and environmental accounting impacts in the mining sector – giving marginalized communities a voice. Meditari Accountancy Research 32:1 ► pp. 42 ff.
Zuzovsky, Ruth & Ainat Guberman
2024. Narrating Stories about Research Units in Israeli Teacher Education Colleges. European Journal of Teacher Education 47:4 ► pp. 787 ff.
Girão, Mel, Hélio Arthur Reis Irigaray & Fabricio Stocker
2023. Fake news and storytelling: two sides of the same coin or two equal coins?. Cadernos EBAPE.BR 21:1
Girão, Mel, Hélio Arthur Reis Irigaray & Fabricio Stocker
2023. Fake news e storytelling: dois lados da mesma moeda ou duas moedas com lados iguais?. Cadernos EBAPE.BR 21:1
de Vaujany, François-Xavier
2022. Imagining the name of the rose with Deleuze: organizational and self world-making on the screen. Culture and Organization 28:6 ► pp. 528 ff.
2022. Navigating an Identity Playground: Using sociomateriality to build a theory of identity play. Organization Studies 43:1 ► pp. 81 ff.
Mavin, Sharon & Marina Yusupova
2021. Competition and gender: Time’s up on essentialist knowledge production. Management Learning 52:1 ► pp. 86 ff.
Schriber, Svante, David R. King & Florian Bauer
2021. Deadly sins and corporate acquisitions. Culture and Organization 27:1 ► pp. 1 ff.
Ceni, Jéssica Cristina & Natália Rese
2020. Samarco e o rompimento na barragem de Fundão: a narrativa como um recurso performativo da prática estratégica de sensegiving inerente ao strategizing pós-desastre. Organizações & Sociedade 27:93 ► pp. 268 ff.
Hakala, Henri, Gregory O'Shea, Steffen Farny & Seppo Luoto
2020. Re‐storying the Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Concepts: The Model‐Narrative Review Method. International Journal of Management Reviews 22:1 ► pp. 10 ff.
Blomberg, Helena & Jonas Welander
2019. A narrative study of newly graduated registered Swedish nurses’ establishment in the profession and the portrayal of a healthcare organisation. Journal of Health Organization and Management 33:4 ► pp. 413 ff.
Ziemiański, Paweł
2019. Narracja jako sposób wyjaśniania organizacyjnej rzeczywistości oraz metoda wywierania wpływu. e-mentor 2019:1(78) ► pp. 74 ff.
D’Arrigo, Fernanda Pauletto, Eduardo Robini, Fabiano Larentis, Maria Emilia Camargo & Peter Schmiedgen
2017. Storytelling and innovative behavior: an empirical study in a Brazilian group. European Journal of Training and Development 41:8 ► pp. 722 ff.
Luoto, Seppo, Saara A. Brax & Marko Kohtamäki
2017. Critical meta-analysis of servitization research: Constructing a model-narrative to reveal paradigmatic assumptions. Industrial Marketing Management 60 ► pp. 89 ff.
Smith, Aaron C.T. & Clare Humphries
2017. A post-social conceptual framework for exploring object narratives in sport organisations. Sport Management Review 20:1 ► pp. 20 ff.
Gardiner, Claire M
2016. Knowledge sharing success and resistance in an engineering department: A case study. Journal of Management & Organization 22:2 ► pp. 254 ff.
Gardiner, Claire M.
2016. Legitimizing processes: Barriers and facilitators for experienced Newcomers' entry transitions to knowledge practices. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 11 ► pp. 105 ff.
Symon, Gillian & Katrina Pritchard
2015. Performing the Responsive and Committed Employee through the Sociomaterial Mangle of Connection. Organization Studies 36:2 ► pp. 241 ff.
Humphries, Clare & Aaron C. T. Smith
2014. Talking objects: Towards a post-social research framework for exploring object narratives. Organization 21:4 ► pp. 477 ff.
Kruger, Tarnya M. & Ruth Beilin
2014. A ‘responsibility for place’ – firefighter deployment, local knowledge and risk. International Journal of Wildland Fire 23:4 ► pp. 577 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 21 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.