In this article, I re-examine Jerome Bruner’s vision of narrative psychology that he laid out over two decades ago. In particular, I argue that narrative inquiry must focus on identities located in sociocultural contexts of transnational movement and migration. The contact of self with multiple forms of otherness — both subtle and violent — play a significant role in identity formation. I discuss two examples from the Somalian and Indian diaspora to show how the study of these fractured, shifting, and hybridized identities provide a very valuable site from which narrative psychology has an opportunity to remake itself as a field that continues to be relevant in a world that is rapidly becoming transnational, diverse, and global.
2023. Children’s Agency during the COVID-19 Pandemic in China. In Agency and Transformation, ► pp. 336 ff.
Chang, Chen-Chi & Yu-Hsun Lin
2022. Constructing Hakka Ethnic Identity Through Narrative Genealogy Writing. Sage Open 12:1
Head, James Christopher
2022. Waves of Information, Suffocated Understanding, and the Place for Narrative Inquiry in the “Post-Truth” Era. Journal of Constructivist Psychology 35:2 ► pp. 491 ff.
Sears, Jeanelle S., Lesley Harris & Thomas Lawson
2022. Doing Place: A context specific framework for sustaining commitments in Appalachian Kentucky. Journal of Community Practice 30:2 ► pp. 109 ff.
Sonn, Christopher C., Amy F. Quayle & Pilar Kasat
2022. Accompanying Aboriginal Communities Through Arts and Cultural Practice: Decolonial Enactments of Place-Based Community Research. In Decolonial Enactments in Community Psychology [Community Psychology, ], ► pp. 99 ff.
Cicognani, Elvira, Christopher C. Sonn, Cinzia Albanesi & Bruna Zani
2018. Acculturation, social exclusion and resistance: Experiences of young Moroccans in Italy. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 66 ► pp. 108 ff.
Sinding, Christina & Yanqiu Rachel Zhou
2017. Intimacy, identity and relationship in the accounts of Chinese immigrants to Canada: the contribution of narrative analysis. Culture, Health & Sexuality 19:6 ► pp. 653 ff.
Yamagata-Lynch, Lisa C., Jaewoo Do, Deepa Deshpande, Anne L. Skutnik, Brenda K. Murphy & Erin Garty
2017. Narrative Inquiry With Activity Systems. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 16:1
Simmons, Nathaniel & Yea-Wen Chen
2014. Using Six-word Memoirs to Increase Cultural Identity Awareness. Communication Teacher 28:1 ► pp. 20 ff.
Trahar, Sheila
2013. Contemporary Methodological Diversity in European Higher Education Research. European Educational Research Journal 12:3 ► pp. 301 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 21 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.