Table of contents
Words, numbers and all that: The lexicon in sentence understanding
The lexicon in Optimality Theory
Optimalitytheoretic Lexical Functional Grammar
The lexicon and the laundromat
Semantics in the spin cycle: Competence and performance criteria for the creation of lexical entries
Connectionist and symbolist sentence processing
A computational model of the grammatical aspects of word
recognition as supertagging
Incrementality and lexicalism: A treebank study
Modular architectures and statistical mechanisms: The case from lexical category disambiguation
Encoding and storage in working memory during
sentence comprehension
The time course of information integration in sentence processing
The lexical source of unexpressed participants and their role
in sentence and discourse understanding
Reduced relatives judged hard require constraint-based analyses
Predicting thematic role assignments in context
Lexical semantics as a basis for argument structure frequency biases
Verb sense and verb subcategorization probabilities
Author index
Item index
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