Table of contents
1. Introduction1
1.1 Purpose of the study1
1.2 Background: play, thought, language, and social skills3
1.3 Conversation, play, and second language acquisition11
1.4 Why conversation-play?13
2. Description of the Study17
2.1 The subjects17
2.2 Data collection18
2.3 Conversation topic20
2.4 Situated and displaced speech24
3. First Steps33
3.1 Routines in situated speech33
3.2 Language learning in situated speech discourse44
3.3 Summary49
4. Towards Conversation53
4.1 Sound-play53
4.2 Pretend conversation-play55
4.3 Language learning in displaced speech discourse64
4.4 Summary71
5. Conversational Strategies73
5.1 Argument73
5.2 A matter of involvement73
5.3 A matter of flexibility85
5.4 A matter of ambiguity91
5.5 Summary97
6. Conclusions99
6.1 General findings99
6.2 Implications for research103
6.3 Implications for education105
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