Table of contents
Chapter 1: Language and Cognitive Development11
1.1. Piaget's theory and child language research: A reassessment13
1.2. On specularity as a constitutive process in dialogue and language acquisition23
1.3. Language and cognitive development in Piaget's view33
Chapter 2: Cognitive Development and Social Interaction41
2.1. Piaget and the social development of intelligence43
2.2. Egocentric illusion or capacity to decenter? Towards a socio-psychological understanding of cognitive development55
Chapter 3: Cognitive Development and Affectivity69
3.1. Psychological investigation and intervention: A psychoanalytical and Piagetian approach71
3.2. The Piagetian contribution to an extension and reformulation of the psychoanalytic theory of thought87
Chapter 4: Piagetian Theory and Educational Issues101
4.1. Piaget's equilibration: A theory for a school for thinking103
4.2. Genetic epistemology and the curriculum119
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