Gender, Politeness and Pragmatic Particles in French

| University of the West of England
ISBN 9789027253446 (Eur) | EUR 110.00
ISBN 9781588112569 (USA) | USD 165.00
ISBN 9789027296207 | EUR 110.00 | USD 165.00
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This study aims to investigate politeness in women’s and men’s speech, with a particular focus on the use of c’est-à-dire, enfin, hein and quoi in contemporary spoken French. Politeness is defined as going beyond the notion of the face-threatening act, englobing both everyday ideas of politeness and the creation of sociability in face-to-face interaction.
The pragmatic particles studied are demonstrated to serve both psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic purposes: they lubricate reformulation and contribute to both sociability and social indexation.
The study, which combines qualitative and quantitative analysis, is based on a corpus of spontaneous spoken French, comprising 155,000 words, 95 interviews and subjects ranging in age from 7 to 88 years. The sample contains speakers from a broader range of educational backgrounds than is often the case: a butcher, a video-salesman and a toiletteur canin rub shoulders with counter assistants, teachers and doctors.
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 104] 2002.  x, 251 pp.
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Cited by (52)

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