Bespala, Liliia, Miriam Meyerhoff & Charlotte Albury
Navigating epistemic challenges: Self-initiated self-repair in weight loss discussions within clinical settings.
Journal of Pragmatics 233
► pp. 51 ff.

Bristol, Rachel, Samar Alhaqab & Federico Rossano
Narratives about epistemic trespassing.
Text & Talk 
Del Río Villanueva, Carmen Amalia
La construcción interaccional de la (des)información: de la entrevista política de televisión en vivo a las notas periodísticas.
Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico 30:3
► pp. 531 ff.

Kreuz, Judith & Martin Luginbühl
Demonstrating consensus in argumentative settings: Co-constructions in children’s peer discussions.
European Journal of Psychology of Education 39:3
► pp. 1739 ff.

Licoppe, Christian, Nicolas Rollet & Luca Greco
‘I know what it is’. An interactional study of sex discovery in prenatal ultrasound examinations.
Discourse Studies 26:5
► pp. 643 ff.

Lindley, Lyndsay M.
Maintaining Personhood and Authority in Everyday Talk of a Family Living with Dementia. In
Dementia and Language,
► pp. 249 ff.

Plejert, Charlotta
The Role of Applied Conversation Analysis to Enhance Equity in Care for People with Dementia from Minority Ethnic Groups. In
Dementia and Language,
► pp. 73 ff.

Rautiainen, Iira & Tuire Oittinen
Negotiating epistemic asymmetries during crisis management exercises: Pre-emptive and corrective practices.
Intercultural Pragmatics 21:2
► pp. 193 ff.

Schönfelder, Nora
Multimodal repetitions in children’s co-construction of arguments.
European Journal of Psychology of Education 39:3
► pp. 1759 ff.

Tennent, Emma & Ann Weatherall
Person Reference and a Preference for Association in Emergency Calls.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 57:2
► pp. 235 ff.

Weiste, Elina, Melisa Stevanovic, Lise-Lotte Uusitalo & Hanna Toiviainen
Peer support for accepting distressing reality: Expertise and experience-sharing in psychiatric peer-to-peer group discussions.
Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 28:3
► pp. 450 ff.

Blain, Hayden & Chloé Diskin-Holdaway
Destabilizing Racial Discourses in Casual Talk-in-interaction.
Applied Linguistics 44:4
► pp. 631 ff.

Iriskhanova, Olga, Maria Kiose, Anna Leonteva, Olga Agafonova & Andrey Petrov
Multimodal Collaboration in Expository Discourse: Verbal and Nonverbal Moves Alignment. In
Speech and Computer [
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14338],
► pp. 350 ff.

Krug, Maximilian
Overcoming Blanking: Verbal and Visual Features of Prompting in Theatre Rehearsals.
Human Studies 46:2
► pp. 221 ff.

Ploog, Katja
Syntaxe de l’oral et activité de construction en temps réel : retour sur les grilles.
Travaux de linguistique n° 84-85:1
► pp. 19 ff.

Previtali, Federica, Pirjo Nikander & Johanna Ruusuvuori
Ageism in job interviews: Discreet ways of building co-membership through age categorisation.
Discourse Studies 25:1
► pp. 25 ff.

Toluei, Bahareh & Mohammad Hassan Tahririan
Resolving disagreements: a conversation analytic study on disagreements in completion sequences among EFL learners.
The Language Learning Journal 51:6
► pp. 718 ff.

Duranti, Alessandro & Nicco A. La Mattina
The Semiotics of Cooperation.
Annual Review of Anthropology 51:1
► pp. 85 ff.

Eiswirth, Mirjam Elisabeth & Felix Bergmann
Lee, Jee Won
Conveying Listenership Status Through Multiple duis in Mandarin Chinese Conversation.
Journal of Asian and African Studies 57:5
► pp. 1027 ff.

Norén, Niklas, Helen Melander Bowden & Ann-Carita Evaldsson
Young students’ treatment of synthetic voicing as an interactional resource in digital writing.
Classroom Discourse 13:3
► pp. 241 ff.

Pauletto, Franco & Isabelle Ahlström
Pautas atípicas. Las conversaciones en los materiales auditivos para la enseñanza de español L2 publicados en Suecia.
EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages 9:1
► pp. 52 ff.

Sandlund, Erica
Telling in a Test: Storytelling and Task Accomplishment in L2 Oral Proficiency Assessment. In
Storytelling Practices in Home and Educational Contexts,
► pp. 175 ff.

Ursi, Biagio, Franco Pauletto, M. Hagafors, L. Heiden & L. Tarrade
Des ressources séquentielles pour négocier son positionnement épistémique : ciò comme préface conversationnelle dans le dialecte et l’italien parlés à Trévise.
SHS Web of Conferences 146
► pp. 05004 ff.

Zinken, Jörg & Uwe-A. Küttner
Offering an Interpretation of Prior Talk in Everyday Interaction: A Semantic Map Approach.
Discourse Processes 59:4
► pp. 298 ff.

Connabeer, Kathrina
Lifestyle advice in UK Primary Care consultations: Doctors’ use of conditional forms of advice.
Patient Education and Counseling 104:11
► pp. 2706 ff.

Cresti, Emanuela
The Appendix of Comment according to Language into Act Theory.
CHIMERA: Revista de Corpus de Lenguas Romances y Estudios Lingüísticos 8
► pp. 45 ff.

Etelämäki, Marja, Trine Heinemann & Anna Vatanen
On affiliation and alignment: Non-cooperative uses of anticipatory completions in the context of tellings.
Discourse Studies 23:6
► pp. 726 ff.

Gao, Yanmei & Xiaohua Ren
Lam, Daniel M K
Don’t Turn a Deaf Ear: A Case for Assessing Interactive Listening.
Applied Linguistics 42:4
► pp. 740 ff.

Lerner, Gene H. & Geoffrey Raymond
Body Trouble: Some Sources of Difficulty in the Progressive Realization of Manual Action.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 54:3
► pp. 277 ff.

Licoppe, Christian, Luca Greco & Nicolas Rollet
Séquences de « perlustration » dans les échographies prénatales : dire et voir le sexe.
Langage et société N° 173:2
► pp. 57 ff.

Luke, K. K.
Parties and voices.
Chinese Language and Discourse. An International and Interdisciplinary Journal 12:1
► pp. 6 ff.

Niemants, Natacha
La participation des migrants en santé reproductive : le cas des consultations d’andrologie.
Éla. Études de linguistique appliquée N° 202:2
► pp. 207 ff.

Niemi, Jarkko, Ellen Pullins & Timo Kaski
Robles, Jessica S., Stephen M. DiDomenico & Joshua Raclaw
Sterponi, Laura, Cristina Zucchermaglio, Valentina Fantasia, Marilena Fatigante & Francesca Alby
A room of one's own: Moments of mutual disengagement between doctor and patient in the oncology visit.
Patient Education and Counseling 104:5
► pp. 1116 ff.

Vilar, Milagros
“Hablar en equipo”: la construcción de una participación conjunta en reuniones de profesionales de la salud.
Pragmática Sociocultural / Sociocultural Pragmatics 9:2
► pp. 105 ff.

Zhang, Wenxian, Xianyin Li & Wei Zhang
Beeke, Suzanne, Sam Capindale & Lin Cockayne
Correction and turn completion as collaborative repair strategies in conversations following Wernicke’s aphasia.
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 34:10-11
► pp. 933 ff.

Chen, Jessie & Scott Barnes
Giving information in cosmetics sales interactions: Exploring some interactional functions of the Mandarin response token dui.
Journal of Pragmatics 159
► pp. 12 ff.

Day, Dennis
The concept sketch as a space.
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice 14:2
► pp. 282 ff.

Hoey, Elliott M.
When Conversation Lapses,

Huang, Alan
The dialogical nature of language use in interactive listening: revisiting meaning in context.
Language Awareness 29:1
► pp. 21 ff.

Knol, A. S. L., Tom Koole, Mattias Desmet, Stijn Vanheule & Mike Huiskes
How Speakers Orient to the Notable Absence of Talk: A Conversation Analytic Perspective on Silence in Psychodynamic Therapy.
Frontiers in Psychology 11

Melander Bowden, Helen & Pål Aarsand
Designing and assessing digital games in a classroom: an emerging culture of critique.
Learning, Media and Technology 45:4
► pp. 376 ff.

Rasmussen, Gitte
Singing as a Resource in Conversations Involving Persons with Dementia. In
Atypical Interaction,
► pp. 161 ff.

Asplund, Stig-Börje & Héctor Pérez Prieto
Approaching life story interviews as sites of interaction.
Qualitative Research Journal 20:2
► pp. 175 ff.

Beach, Wayne A.
Making Cancer Visible: Unmasking Patients’ Subjective Experiences.
Health Communication 34:14
► pp. 1683 ff.

Beach, Wayne A.
Enacting Woundedness and Compassionate Care for Recurrent Metastatic Breast Cancer.
Qualitative Health Research 32:2
► pp. 210 ff.

Bolden, Galina B., Alexa Hepburn & Jonathan Potter
Subversive Completions: Turn-Taking Resources for Commandeering the Recipient’s Action in Progress.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 52:2
► pp. 144 ff.

Cobelas Cartagena, María Ángeles & Gabriela Prego-Vázquez
Participation frameworks and socio-discursive competence in young children: The role of multimodal strategies.
Discourse Studies 21:2
► pp. 135 ff.

Flint, Natalie, Michael Haugh & Andrew John Merrison
Fox, Barbara & Trine Heinemann
Telescoping responses to requests: Unpacking progressivity.
Discourse Studies 21:1
► pp. 38 ff.

Fox, Barbara & Trine Heinemann
Grammar and Hands: Manual Turn-Taking and Its Relationships to Verbal Turn-Taking in the Transfer of Objects.
Frontiers in Communication 6

Kempson, Ruth, Eleni Gregoromichelaki & Christine Howes
Language as Mechanisms for Interaction: Towards an Evolutionary Tale. In
Language, Logic, and Computation [
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11456],
► pp. 209 ff.

Lerner, Gene H.
When Someone Other than the Addressed Recipient Speaks Next: Three Kinds of Intervening Action After the Selection of Next Speaker.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 52:4
► pp. 388 ff.

Lilja, Niina & Arja Piirainen-Marsh
How Hand Gestures Contribute to Action Ascription.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 52:4
► pp. 343 ff.

Mazeland, Harrie
Position Expansion in Meeting Talk: An Interaction-Re-organizing Type of and-Prefaced Other-Continuation. In
Embodied Activities in Face-to-face and Mediated Settings,
► pp. 397 ff.

Morgan, Oliver
Turn-taking in Shakespeare,

Norrick, Neal R.
Collaborative Remembering in Conversational Narration.
Topics in Cognitive Science 11:4
► pp. 733 ff.

Alvanoudi, Angeliki
Gender, Language and a Lipstick: Creating Cultural Change in a World of Paradoxes.
Humanities 7:3
► pp. 87 ff.

Alvanoudi, Angeliki
Conversational Code Switching. In
Modern Greek in Diaspora,
► pp. 85 ff.

Bolden, Galina B.
Speaking ‘out of turn’: Epistemics in action in other-initiated repair.
Discourse Studies 20:1
► pp. 142 ff.

Emina, Kurtić & Gorisch Jan
F0 accommodation and turn competition in overlapping talk.
Journal of Phonetics 71
► pp. 376 ff.

i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching 8:1
► pp. 30 ff.

König, Katharina & Florence Oloff
Die Multimodalität alltagspraktischen Erzählens.
Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 48:2
► pp. 277 ff.

Raymond, Chase Wesley
On the relevance and accountability of dialect: Conversation analysis and dialect contact.
Journal of Sociolinguistics 22:2
► pp. 161 ff.

Whitehead, Kevin A & Kim Baldry
Omni-relevant and contingent membership categories in research interview and focus group openings.
Qualitative Research 18:2
► pp. 135 ff.

Bertrand, Roxane & Beatrice Priego-Valverde
Listing Practice in French Conversation: From Collaborative Achievement to Interactional Convergence.
Discours :20

Kawashima, Michie
Four Ways of Delivering Very Bad News in a Japanese Emergency Room.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 50:3
► pp. 307 ff.

Lee, Josephine & Alfred Rue Burch
Collaborative Planning in Process: An Ethnomethodological Perspective.
TESOL Quarterly 51:3
► pp. 536 ff.

Kempson, Ruth, Ronnie Cann, Eleni Gregoromichelaki & Stergios Chatzikyriakidis
Language as Mechanisms for Interaction.
Theoretical Linguistics 42:3-4
► pp. 203 ff.

Koschmann, Timothy
“No! That's not what we were doing though”. Student-Initiated, Other Correction.
Éducation et didactique 10:1
► pp. 39 ff.

Mosegaard Hansen, Maj-Britt
Traverso, Véronique & Luca Greco
L’activité de définition dans l’interaction : objets, ressources, formats.
Langages N° 204:4
► pp. 5 ff.

Walker, Gareth
Phonetic Variation and Interactional Contingencies in Simultaneous Responses.
Discourse Processes 53:4
► pp. 298 ff.

Haugh, Michael & Yasuko Obana
Transformative continuations, (dis)affiliation, and accountability in Japanese interaction.
Text & Talk 35:5
► pp. 597 ff.

Heller, Vivien & Antje Krah
Wie Eltern und Kinder argumentieren. Interaktionsmuster und ihr erwerbssupportives Potenzial im längsschnittlichen Vergleich.
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Germanistenverbandes 62:1
► pp. 5 ff.

Izre'el, Shlomo & Amina Mettouchi
Kapellidi, Charikleia
The interplay between agency and constraint: some departures from the organization of talk in the classroom.
Text & Talk 35:4

Persson, Rasmus
Indexing one's own previous action as inadequate: Onah-prefaced repeats as receipt tokens in French talk-in-interaction.
Language in Society 44:4
► pp. 497 ff.

Persson, Rasmus
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions in Interaction: Incomplete Utterances as a Resource for Doing Inquiries.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 50:3
► pp. 227 ff.

Rendulic, Nina
Un patchwork pragmatique : construire un discours représenté à deux voix.
Revue de sémantique et pragmatique :37
► pp. 123 ff.

Santner-Wolfartsberger, Anita
Parties, persons, and one-at-a-time: conversation analysis and ELF.
Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 4:2
► pp. 253 ff.

Shaw, Chloe, Jonathan Potter & Alexa Hepburn
Advice-implicative actions: Using interrogatives and assessments to deliver advice in mundane conversation.
Discourse Studies 17:3
► pp. 317 ff.

Ekberg, Katie & Amanda LeCouteur
Co-Implicating and Re-Shaping Clients' Suggestions for Behavioural Change in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Practice.
Qualitative Research in Psychology 11:1
► pp. 60 ff.

Ekberg, Katie & Amanda LeCouteur
Clients’ Resistance to Therapists’ Proposals: Managing Epistemic and Deontic Status in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Sessions. In
Joint Decision Making in Mental Health,
► pp. 95 ff.

Loeb, Laura
Call and response: An anatomy of religious practice.
Discourse Studies 16:4
► pp. 514 ff.

Pomeroy, Lani & Ann Weatherall
Responding to Client Laughter as Therapeutic Actions in Practice.
Qualitative Research in Psychology 11:4
► pp. 420 ff.

Taguchi, Naoko
Development of Interactional Competence in Japanese as a Second Language: Use of Incomplete Sentences as Interactional Resources.
The Modern Language Journal 98:2
► pp. 518 ff.

Taguchi, Naoko
Development of Interactional Competence in Japanese as a Second Language: Use of Incomplete Sentences as Interactional Resources.
The Modern Language Journal 98:2
► pp. 518 ff.

Wilkinson, Sue & Celia Kitzinger
Conversation Analysis in Language and Gender Studies. In
The Handbook of Language, Gender, and Sexuality,
► pp. 141 ff.

Bietti, Lucas M
Reminders as Interactive and Embodied Tools for Socially Distributed and Situated Remembering.
Sage Open 3:3

Bietti, Lucas M & Fátima Galiana Castelló
Embodied reminders in family interactions: Multimodal collaboration in remembering activities.
Discourse Studies 15:6
► pp. 665 ff.

Gregoromichelaki, Eleni & Ruth Kempson
Grammars as Processes for Interactive Language Use: Incrementality and the Emergence of Joint Intentionality. In
Perspectives on Linguistic Pragmatics [
Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, 2],
► pp. 185 ff.

Hazel, Spencer & Janus Mortensen
Kitchen Talk – Exploring Linguistic Practices in Liminal Institutional Interactions in a Multilingual University Setting. In
Language Alternation, Language Choice and Language Encounter in International Tertiary Education [
Multilingual Education, 5],
► pp. 3 ff.

Heritage, Margaret & John Heritage
Teacher Questioning: The Epicenter of Instruction and Assessment.
Applied Measurement in Education 26:3
► pp. 176 ff.

Irvine, Annie, Paul Drew & Roy Sainsbury
‘Am I not answering your questions properly?’ Clarification, adequacy and responsiveness in semi-structured telephone and face-to-face interviews.
Qualitative Research 13:1
► pp. 87 ff.

Koschmann, Timothy & Claire O’Malley
A Dialog on Productive Multivocality. In
Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions,
► pp. 701 ff.

Antaki, Charles
Affiliative and disaffiliative candidate understandings.
Discourse Studies 14:5
► pp. 531 ff.

Djordjilovic, Olga
Displaying and developing team identity in workplace meetings – a multimodal perspective.
Discourse Studies 14:1
► pp. 111 ff.

Sharma, Bal Krishna
Conceding in disagreements during small group interactions in academic writing class.
Classroom Discourse 3:1
► pp. 4 ff.

Keevallik, Leelo
Pro-Forms as Projective Devices in Interaction.
Discourse Processes 48:6
► pp. 404 ff.

Paul, Christine
Temporal Inferences in Conversation.
Research in Language 9:2
► pp. 77 ff.

Dillard, James Price, Lijiang Shen, Jeffrey D. Robinson & Phillip M. Farrell
Parental Information Seeking Following a Positive Newborn Screening for Cystic Fibrosis.
Journal of Health Communication 15:8
► pp. 880 ff.

Lamerichs, Joyce & Hedwig F.M. Te Molder
`And then I'm really like . . .': `preliminary' self-quotations in adolescent talk.
Discourse Studies 11:4
► pp. 401 ff.

Kitzinger, Celia
Developing Feminist Conversation Analysis: A Response to Wowk.
Human Studies 31:2
► pp. 179 ff.

Barnes, Rebecca & Duncan Moss
Communicating a feeling.
Discourse Studies 9:2
► pp. 123 ff.

Goodwin, Marjorie Harness
Occasioned knowledge exploration in family interaction.
Discourse & Society 18:1
► pp. 93 ff.

Goodwin, Marjorie Harness
Participation and Embodied Action in Preadolescent Girls' Assessment Activity.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 40:4
► pp. 353 ff.

Lerner, Gene H. & Celia Kitzinger
Extraction and aggregation in the repair of individual and collective self-reference.
Discourse Studies 9:4
► pp. 526 ff.

Sidnell, Jack
Sequence. In
Handbook of Pragmatics,
► pp. 1 ff.

Sidnell, Jack
Sequence. In
Handbook of Pragmatics,
► pp. 1 ff.

Sidnell, Jack
Turn-Continuation by Self and by Other.
Discourse Processes 49:3-4
► pp. 314 ff.

[no author supplied]
References. In
The Hidden Life of Girls,
► pp. 283 ff.

[no author supplied]
References. In
The Handbook of Conversation Analysis,
► pp. 741 ff.

[no author supplied]
Références bibliographiques. In
La dislocation à droite revisitée [
Champs linguistiques, ],
► pp. 261 ff.

[no author supplied]
Dementia and Diagnostics. In
Dementia and Language,
► pp. 23 ff.

[no author supplied]
Dementia and Epistemics. In
Dementia and Language,
► pp. 195 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 22 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.