Current theories of genre based in action neglect form. While recognizing that genre study needed to reject earlier formalism, this chapter argues that genre necessarily encompasses form as part of the fusion of form, substance, and action and should be re-examined as contextualized form. Neither Carolyn Miller nor Mikhail Bakhtin, seminal genre theorists, rejected form but rather rejected formalism. Form in this chapter is defined as the visible results and notable absences of language-use in generic contexts, A contextualized treatment of generic form embeds form into its individual, social, and cultural contexts; recognizes generic form as variable individually, synchronically, and diachronically; balances treatment of generic forms as both unique and shared; and views generic forms as inter-genre-al, interacting with other genres.
2024. THE USE OF HYPERTEXT IN ACADEMIC BLOGS WRITTEN IN ITALIAN AND ENGLISH - A CASE STUDY. Годишњак Филозофског факултета у Новом Саду 49:3 ► pp. 130 ff.
Orgad, Shani
2024. Posting vulnerability on LinkedIn. New Media & Society
Shah, Zahra
2024. Genre, Place, and the Persian Literary Imagination in the Punjab, ca. 1650–1750. The Journal of Asian Studies 83:4 ► pp. 980 ff.
Thieme, Katja
2024. A Play on Occlusion: Uptake of Letters to the University President. SSRN Electronic Journal
Molodychenko, Evgeni N.
2023. Levels of context: how textual analysis becomes discourse analysis: the case of Internet lifestyle media. Baltic accent 14:1 ► pp. 107 ff.
Brannon, Brittany, Amy G. Buhler, Tara Tobin Cataldo, Ixchel M. Faniel, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Joyce Kasman Valenza & Christopher Cyr
2022. Genre containers: Building a theoretical framework for studying formats in information behavior. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 73:4 ► pp. 609 ff.
Rutkowska, Krystyna
2022. Internet as a Basis for Research on Ethnic Identity: Polish Blogs in Lithuania. Acta Baltico-Slavica 46
Berglund, Karl
2021. Genres at work: A holistic approach to genres in book publishing. European Journal of Cultural Studies 24:3 ► pp. 757 ff.
Salmi, Charlotta
2021. The Global Graphic Protest Narrative: India and Iran. PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 136:2 ► pp. 171 ff.
Flowerdew, Lynne
2020. The Academic Literacies approach to scholarly writing: a view through the lens of the ESP/Genre approach. Studies in Higher Education 45:3 ► pp. 579 ff.
Liu, Jianxin
2020. Research Video Abstracts in the Making: A Revised Move Analysis. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 50:4 ► pp. 423 ff.
Liu, Jianxin
2022. Video or perish? An analysis of video abstract author guidelines. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 54:2 ► pp. 230 ff.
Masduki, Masadliahani & Normah Zakaria
2020. Fulfilling the Demand for Workplace Communication Skills in the Civil Engineering Industry. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 28:4
Więckiewicz-Archacka, Marta
2020. Ewolucja blogów pod wpływem ekspansji serwisów społecznościowych. Civitas et Lex 24:4 ► pp. 7 ff.
2018. Introduction. Pragmatics & Cognition 25:3 ► pp. 417 ff.
Luzón, María José
2017. Connecting Genres and Languages in Online Scholarly Communication: An Analysis of Research Group Blogs. Written Communication 34:4 ► pp. 441 ff.
Wagner, Karin
2017. The personal versus the institutional voice in an open photographic archive. Archival Science 17:3 ► pp. 247 ff.
Eagar, Toni & Stephen Dann
2016. Capturing and Analyzing Social Media Composite Content: The Instagram Selfie. In Consumer Culture Theory [Research in Consumer Behavior, 18], ► pp. 245 ff.
Foscarini, Fiorella
2015. Organizational Records as Genres: An Analysis of the “Documentary Reality” of Organizations from the Perspectives of Diplomatics, Records Management, and Rhetorical Genre Studies. In Genre Theory in Information Studies [Studies in Information, 11], ► pp. 115 ff.
2014. Indonesian women’s blog formats from Tanah Betawi to Serambi Mekah: Women blogger’s choices of technical features. International Communication Gazette 76:4-5 ► pp. 407 ff.
2013. The post as an utterance: Analysis of themes, compositional forms and styles in blog genre studies. Discourse & Communication 7:3 ► pp. 341 ff.
MacNeil, Heather
2012. What finding aids do: archival description as rhetorical genre in traditional and web-based environments. Archival Science 12:4 ► pp. 485 ff.
Artemeva, Natasha & Janna Fox
2010. Awareness Versus Production: Probing Students’ Antecedent Genre Knowledge. Journal of Business and Technical Communication 24:4 ► pp. 476 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 23 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.