Chapter 2
Meaning both ‘also’ and ‘only’?
The intriguing polysemy of Old Italian pur(e)
Italian pur(e) seems to be quite peculiar among focus markers, since diachronically it displays the whole span of functions, from non-scalar exclusive to non-scalar additive. It is still an open question as to whether or not at some stage of its history pure enjoyed such an extended (nearly self-contradictory) polysemy synchronically too (while it is surely not the case for the contemporary language). The present investigation, based on the large corpus of the Opera del Vocabolario Italiano, casts some doubts on this possibility for Old Italian (approximately until the end of 14th century). Moreover, it surveys the very wide polysemy of pure beyond the functions of focus marker proper, and proposes several different evolutionary paths, among which some involve also non-focus marker uses as intermediate steps.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The wide polyfunctionality of old Italian pur(e) as a focus marker
- 2.1General remarks
- 2.2
Exclusive and additive pur(e) in Old Italian
- 2.3A good bridging context within FM meanings
- 3.Adding further connections: pur(e)beyond the contrast exclusive vs. additive
- 3.1
Old Italian pur(e) as identifier
- 3.2From identifier to additive focus marker
- 4.Another possible source for additivity outside the focus marker domain
- 4.1
Old Italian pur(e) as adversative connective
- 4.2From adversative connective to additive focus marker
- 4.3From adversative to concessive conditional
- 5.
Pur(e) as an aspectual marker of continuity
- 6.Later stages of Italian: Some directions for future research
- 7.Conclusions
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