Chapter 4
Another ‘look!’
The Latvian particle lūk in parliamentary
The Latvian pragmatic marker lūk
is derived from the imperative ‘look!’ but is used mainly in the
textual domain in speech and writing. This study investigates its
use in parliamentary discourse, based on a corpus of shorthand
transcripts, as well as audio and video recordings. The main
functions of lūk are pointing to parts of a
speaker’s text (textual deixis), introducing and concluding a topic
(discourse organization) and marking the voice of an opponent
(represented speech and viewpoint). Similar functions have been
described for imperatives of ‘look’ verbs in various European
languages. An important difference is that lūk
occurs only turn-medially and lacks dialogic functions.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Data and methods of investigation
- 3.Results: Functions of lūk
- 3.1Situational deixis
- 3.2Text deictic uses
- 3.3Discourse organizing
- 3.4Representing speech and viewpoint
- 3.5Summary
- 4.Discussion
- 5.Conclusions
Transcription symbols
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Van Olmen, Daniël & Vittorio Tantucci
Getting attention in different languages: A usage-based approach to parenthetical look in Chinese, Dutch, English, and Italian.
Intercultural Pragmatics 19:2
► pp. 141 ff.
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