Chapter 3
The influence of the specificities of gaze behavior on emerging and
ensuing interaction
A contribution to the discussion of the use of eye-tracking recordings
for EMCA analysis
The integration of new technologies in Ethnomethodology
and Conversation Analysis necessitates thorough discussion. This chapter
explores the combination of recordings from a mobile eye-tracking device
with recordings from an external mobile video camera, which may reveal
intricate details of human activities. Focusing on customers’ actions and
interactions with salespersons, the chapter demonstrates how even brief
observations made by customers, as captured by the eye trackers, are
significant in understanding their subsequent actions when navigating
amongst one another. In addition, it illustrates how customers’ initiations
and responses to salespersons’ initiations of talk are to be understood in
the context of the specificities of their prior observations. The main point
emphasized is that eye-tracking recordings, along with video recordings from
external cameras, capture essential behavioral nuances, leading to
re‑specifications of aspects of social action and interaction.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1Research on pre-activities and pre-sequences
- 2.Data collection
- 3.Customers’ perceptions and their relation to subsequent embodied
- 4.Customers’ perceptions and their relation to sequence initiations and
- 4.1Search activities and their relation to recruitment sequences
- 5.Discussion
- Author queries
This content is being prepared for publication; it may be subject to changes.