Chapter 4
Mobile eye-tracking and mixed-methods approaches to interaction
The integration of mobile eye-tracking technology in
linguistic research has catalyzed a surge of investigations across diverse
linguistic subdisciplines. This chapter advocates for a mixed-methods
approach in analyzing eye gaze behavior during face-to-face interactions.
Through two case studies, examining eye gaze in interactional irony and gaze
synchronization, we demonstrate how this approach can help enhance our
understanding of conversational eye gaze behaviour.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Defining and refining units of analysis: A case study on irony in interaction
- 3.Mutual gaze during face-to-face interaction: A second case study
- 3.1Data and method
- 3.2Results
- 3.3Discussion of the quantitative results
- 3.4Further explaining the observed synchronisation in qualitative
- 3.5Functional quantification
- 4.Conclusion
- Author queries
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