The Function of Discourse Particles

A study with special reference to spoken standard French

| University of Copenhagen
ISBN 9789027250667 (Eur) | EUR 125.00
ISBN 9781556198151 (USA) | USD 188.00
ISBN 9789027282590 | EUR 125.00 | USD 188.00
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This monograph aims to contribute to linguistic knowledge about the distribution and function of discourse particles, particularly with respect to a small group of particles which are highly frequent in contemporary spoken standard French.
The book is divided into two parts. Part 1 (Theory) defines discourse particles as such, and gives a dynamic global approach to their description. Matters such as previous research on discourse particles, related categories of particles, instructional semantics, the difference between speech and writing, the delimitation of discourse units, competing approaches to discourse structure and to coherence, and methodology are discussed extensively.
Part 2 (Description) offers in-depth corpus-based analyses of six French discourse particles, namely bon, ben, eh bien, puis, donc, and alors, as used in non-elicted native-speaker interaction.
The book is of interest to linguists doing research in semantics, pragmatics and discourse studies.
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 53] 1998.  xii, 418 pp.
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Table of Contents
“[...] an excellent addition to the growing body of corpus-based studies of French discourse particles.”
“[...] j'aimerais insister sur le grandes qualités et la grande utilité de ce nouveau livre, novateur à la fois par le problème qu'il traite et par sa façon de la traiter.”
“All things considered, Hansen's study is a valuable contribution to the grammar of conversation. It throws important new light on many questions regarding the use of particles in the unplanned discourse of native speakers of French.”
“This book is clearly an eminent academic study. it is the product of painstaking research and a great deal of thought about the nature of language and linguistics. It also provides some profound insights into the workings of French discourse markers.”
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