Cited by (39)

Cited by 39 other publications

Marques, Joana B. V., Andrew P. Carlin & Ricardo Moutinho
2022. A guided tour in the Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory of the University of Coimbra: setting-specific practices in an informal educational environment. Educational Studies  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Edwards-Groves, Christine & Peter Freebody
2021. Literacy’s changing morphologies: Trajectories, classroom exchanges and the evolution of literacy demands over the school years. The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy 44:2  pp. 76 ff. DOI logo
Moutinho, Ricardo & Andrew P. Carlin
2021. ‘LEARNING MOMENTS’ AS INSPECTABLE PHENOMENA OF INQUIRY IN A SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. Problems of Education in the 21st Century 79:1  pp. 80 ff. DOI logo
Davidson, Christina & Christine Edwards-Groves
2020. Producing and closing down multiple-response sequences during whole-class talk in an early years classroom. Language and Education 34:3  pp. 193 ff. DOI logo
Tegler, Helena, Ingrid Demmelmaier, Monica Blom Johansson & Niklas Norén
2020. Creating a response space in multiparty classroom settings for students using eye-gaze accessed speech-generating devices. Augmentative and Alternative Communication  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Moutinho, Ricardo
2019. The dynamic layering of relational pairs in L2 classrooms. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) 29:4  pp. 571 ff. DOI logo
2018. Epistemological Reorientations and L2 Interactional Settings: A Postscript to the Special Issue. The Modern Language Journal 102:S1  pp. 82 ff. DOI logo
Dalgren, Sara
2017. Questions and Answers, A Seesaw and Embodied Action: How a Preschool Teacher and Children Accomplish Educational Practice. In Children’s Knowledge-in-Interaction,  pp. 37 ff. DOI logo
Kunitz, Silvia & Klara Skogmyr Marian
2017. Tracking Immanent Language Learning Behavior Over Time in Task‐Based Classroom Work. TESOL Quarterly 51:3  pp. 507 ff. DOI logo
Kääntä, Leila, Gabriele Kasper & Arja Piirainen-Marsh
2016. Explaining Hooke’s Law: Definitional Practices in a CLIL Physics Classroom. Applied Linguistics  pp. amw025 ff. DOI logo
Reh, Sabine & Denise Wilde
2016. „Ihr habt eigentlich gesehen … “ – Von der Zeugenschaft zum Verstehen. In Was ist Unterricht?,  pp. 103 ff. DOI logo
Tyagunova, Tanja & Georg Breidenstein
2016. „Was ist Unterricht?“ – Die Perspektive der Ethnomethodologie. In Was ist Unterricht?,  pp. 77 ff. DOI logo
Lindwall, Oskar, Gustav Lymer & Christian Greiffenhagen
2015. The Sequential Analysis of Instruction. In The Handbook of Classroom Discourse and Interaction,  pp. 142 ff. DOI logo
Cekaite, Asta & Polly Björk-Willén
2013. Peer group interactions in multilingual educational settings: Co-constructing social order and norms for language use. International Journal of Bilingualism 17:2  pp. 174 ff. DOI logo
Landri, Paolo
2013. Mobilising ethnographers investigating technologised learning. Ethnography and Education 8:2  pp. 239 ff. DOI logo
Voilmy, Dimitri
2013. Suivre les actions de l'autre. Anthropologie et Sociétés 36:3  pp. 95 ff. DOI logo
Davidson, Christina
2012. Seeking the green basilisk lizard: Acquiring digital literacy practices in the home. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 12:1  pp. 24 ff. DOI logo
Freebody, Peter & Jill Freiberg
2011. Ethnomethodological Research in Education and the Social Sciences: Studying ‘the Business, Identities and Cultures’ of Classrooms. In Methodological Choice and Design,  pp. 79 ff. DOI logo
Lee, Yo-An & Akihiko Takahashi
2011. Lesson Plans and the Contingency of Classroom Interactions. Human Studies 34:2  pp. 209 ff. DOI logo
Lymer, Gustav, Oskar Lindwall & Jonas Ivarsson
2011. Space and discourse interleaved: intertextuality and interpretation in the education of architects. Social Semiotics 21:2  pp. 197 ff. DOI logo
Hall, Joan Kelly
2010. Interaction as method and result of language learning. Language Teaching 43:2  pp. 202 ff. DOI logo
2022. L2 Classroom Input and L2 Positionally Sensitive Grammars: The Role of Information‐Seeking Question Sequences. The Modern Language Journal 106:S1  pp. 113 ff. DOI logo
Lehtinen, Esa
2009. Conversation analysis and religion: Practices of talking about Bible texts in Seventh-day Adventist Bible study. Religion 39:3  pp. 233 ff. DOI logo
Lehtinen, Esa
2009. Sequential and inferential order in religious action : A conversation analytic perspective. Langage et société n° 130:4  pp. 15 ff. DOI logo
Björk-Willén, Polly
2008. Routine Trouble: How Preschool Children Participate in Multilingual Instruction. Applied Linguistics 29:4  pp. 555 ff. DOI logo
Cekaite, Asta & Ann-Carita Evaldsson
2008. Staging Linguistic Identities and Negotiating Monolingual Norms in Multiethnic School Settings. International Journal of Multilingualism 5:3  pp. 177 ff. DOI logo
Greiffenhagen, Christian
2008. Unpacking Tasks: The Fusion of New Technology with Instructional Work. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 17:1  pp. 35 ff. DOI logo
Kasper, Gabriele
2008. Discourse and Socially Shared Cognition. In Encyclopedia of Language and Education,  pp. 1824 ff. DOI logo
Lee, Yo-An
2008. Yes–No Questions in the Third-Turn Position: Pedagogical Discourse Processes. Discourse Processes 45:3  pp. 237 ff. DOI logo
2007. The Development of Practices for Action in Classroom Dyadic Interaction: Focus on Task Openings. The Modern Language Journal 91:1  pp. 83 ff. DOI logo
Hellermann, John
2009. Book review: Christiane Dalton-Puffer, 2007: Discourse in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) classrooms. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 330 pp. $54.00 (paperback). ISBN 978-9-02721-981-7. Language Teaching Research 13:4  pp. 473 ff. DOI logo
Brown, Mike
2004. “Let's Go round the Circle:” How Verbal Facilitation Can Function as a Means of Direct Instruction. Journal of Experiential Education 27:2  pp. 161 ff. DOI logo
Macbeth, Douglas
2001. On “Reflexivity” in Qualitative Research: Two Readings, and a Third. Qualitative Inquiry 7:1  pp. 35 ff. DOI logo
Macbeth, Douglas
2002. A Commentary on Instructional Design. Journal of the Learning Sciences 11:2  pp. 373 ff. DOI logo
Macbeth, Douglas
2003. Hugh Mehan’s Learning Lessons Reconsidered: On the Differences Between the Naturalistic and Critical Analysis of Classroom Discourse. American Educational Research Journal 40:1  pp. 239 ff. DOI logo
2004. The relevance of repair for classroom correction. Language in Society 33:5  pp. 703 ff. DOI logo
Shon, Minho
2001. Demonstrations of lessons: Teaching authentic inquiry in science lessons. Asia Pacific Education Review 2:2  pp. 35 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2009. Die Herstellung von Aufmerksamkeit (Analysen Teil I). In Selbsttätigkeit im Unterricht,  pp. 155 ff. DOI logo

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