Using data-mining to identify and study patterns in lexical
innovation on the web
The NeoCrawler
This paper presents the NeoCrawler – a tailor-made webcrawler,
which identifies and retrieves neologisms from the Internet and systematically
monitors the use of detected neologisms on the web by means of weekly searches.
It enables researchers to use the web as a corpus in order to investigate the
dynamics of lexical innovation on a large-scale and systematic basis. The
NeoCrawler represents an innovative web-mining tool which opens up new
opportunities for linguists to tackle a number of unresolved and
under-researched issues in the field of lexical innovation. This paper presents
the design as well as the most important characteristics of two modules, the
Discoverer and the Observer, with regard to the usage-based study of lexical
innovation and diffusion.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The Discoverer
- 2.1Source material and pre-processing
- 2.2String matching procedure
- 2.3Reference dictionary
- 2.4Manual evaluation
- 3.The Observer
- 3.1Architecture of the Observer
- 3.2The NeoCrawler database
- 3.3The Observer interface
- 4.Summary and future work
- Notes
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