Cognitive constraints in English lexical
A data collection methodology and an explanatory model
The complex characteristics of lexical blending have long
troubled mainstream word formation research to the extent that it has typically
been considered a peripheral issue in linguistics. In recent years this has
begun to change, and there is currently a growing body of evidence uncovering
the intriguing nature of this word formation process. In the present study,
underlying principles and usage-based aspects of lexical blends were examined.
Analyses of derivatives of three matrix words, republican,
liberal, and vegetarian, revealed the impact of
three cognitive constraints on the use of lexical blends: schema transfer
effects, neighborhood effects, and effects of the influence from morphological
lexicalization. The first constraint fueled blend formation, while the other two
displayed a hampering effect on the use of lexical blending. Furthermore, a
study of the word class distribution in the datasets showed that there were
significant differences in the grammar of lexical blending and compounding,
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Previous research
- 3.Method
- 3.1Terminology
- 3.2Methodological concerns
- 3.3Data collection procedure
- 4.Data and results
- 4.1Study 1: Structural analysis of blend formations
- 4.1.1Republican
- 4.1.2Liberal
- 4.1.3Vegetarian
- 4.1.4Summary of the structural analyses
- 4.2Study 2: Word class distribution
- 4.2.1Republican
- 4.2.2Liberal
- 4.2.3Vegetarian
- 4.2.4Summary of the analyses of word class distribution
- 5.Discussion
- 5.1Schema transfer effects
- 5.2Neighborhood effects
- 5.3Morphological lexicalization
- 5.4Implications of word class distribution
- 5.5Summary of discussion
- 6.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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