James W. Ney
List of John Benjamins publications for which James W. Ney plays a role.
Linguistics from the Bottom up First Person Singular III: Autobiographies by North American scholars in the language sciences, Koerner, E.F.K. † (ed.), pp. 131–142 | Article
1998 On generativity: The history of a notion that never was Historiographia Linguistica 20:2/3, pp. 341–454 | Article
1993 Chomsky insists that he has always understood a generative grammar to be “nothing more than an explicit grammar”. Other commentators have understood that ‘generate’ means ‘specify an infinite set’ and that a ‘generative’ grammar is a grammar which specifies an infinite set of sentences. This… read more
Charles C. Fries and Jerome S. Burner: Common-sense and cognition in learning Toward an Understanding of Language: Charles Carpenter Fries in Perspective, Fries, Peter H. and Nancy M. Fries (eds.), pp. 259–276 | Article
1985 The Decade of Private Knowledge: Linguistics from the Early 60’s to the Early 70’s Historiographia Linguistica 2:2, pp. 143–156 | Article
1975 A review of the dissemination of information among linguists and the epis-temological basis of the transformational movement leads to the suggestion that the decade from the early 1960’s to the early 1970’s was a decade of private knowledge for persons engaged in the theoretical study of human… read more