This paper investigates cose (pl. of cosa ‘thing’) as a general extender (GE) and marker of non-exhaustivity from Latin to contemporary Italian. The study employs three corpora: CODIT, LIP/VoLIP and KIParla. We show that the frequency of cose-GEs dropped in 16th c., when they started being… read more
The relationship between ambiguity and vagueness is traditionally considered rather complex. It is not always easy to distinguish between the two phenomena, and the two concepts may seem to overlap. This introduction aims to clarify what is generally understood by ambiguity and vagueness in… read more
This paper provides new evidence for the Source–Goal asymmetry by analyzing the synchronic behavior and the diachronic developments of Ancient Greek preverbs. This investigation is based on a diachronic corpus, including Homer as well as later prose, obtained by selecting a number of verbs… read more