Natalia Judith Laso

List of John Benjamins publications for which Natalia Judith Laso plays a role.


Biomedical English: A corpus-based approach

Edited by Isabel Verdaguer, Natalia Judith Laso and Danica Salazar

[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 56] 2013. xiii, 214 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | English linguistics | Lexicography | Theoretical linguistics
Larsson, Tove, Marcus Callies, Hilde Hasselgård, Natalia Judith Laso, Sanne van Vuuren, Isabel Verdaguer and Magali Paquot 2020 Adverb placement in EFL academic writing: Going beyond syntactic transferInternational Journal of Corpus Linguistics 25:2, pp. 156–185 | Article
The present study looks at adverb placement in expert writing and in first-language and second-language novice spoken and written production. The extent to which first-language (L1) transfer is still present in advanced learners’ written production is also investigated. The study uses data from… read more
Castaño Castaño, Emilia, Isabel Verdaguer, Natalia Judith Laso and Aaron Ventura 2014 Economy is a living organism: Metaphorical expressions in a learner corpus of EnglishRevista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 27:2, pp. 323–337 | Article
This paper presents results from a qualitative corpus-based study on Spanish EFL learners’ metaphorical production. The analysis of a learner corpus of business English, which included essays written by undergraduates, showed that learners do make use of metaphorical language and that the… read more
Laso, Natalia Judith and Danica Salazar 2013 Collocations, lexical bundles and SciE-Lex: A review of corpus research on multiword units of meaningBiomedical English: A corpus-based approach, Verdaguer, Isabel, Natalia Judith Laso and Danica Salazar (eds.), pp. 1–20 | Article
This chapter provides an overview of studies on multiword units of meaning that have made an impact on the creation of SciE-Lex (see Verdaguer et al. this volume). We discuss a variety of statistical, phraseological and rhetorical approaches to collocation, as well as the notion of lexical bundle… read more
Laso, Natalia Judith and Suganthi John 2013 A corpus-based analysis of the collocational patterning of adjectives with abstract nouns in medical EnglishBiomedical English: A corpus-based approach, Verdaguer, Isabel, Natalia Judith Laso and Danica Salazar (eds.), pp. 55–72 | Article
This chapter reports on a study that aimed at analysing native speakers’ use of abstract nouns in medical English. More precisely, the study intended to explore native speakers’ prototypical combinatorial patterns of abstract nouns as seen in a self-compiled corpus, the Health Science Corpus. The… read more
Laso, Natalia Judith, Elisabet Comelles and Isabel Verdaguer 2013 Negation in biomedical EnglishBiomedical English: A corpus-based approach, Verdaguer, Isabel, Natalia Judith Laso and Danica Salazar (eds.), pp. 105–120 | Article
It seems intuitively certain that in scientific articles, affirmative clauses far surpass negative clauses. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that there are few negative sentences in this type of written discourse. The aim of this article is to analyse negative polarity in biomedical English. By… read more
Salazar, Danica, Isabel Verdaguer, Natalia Judith Laso, Elisabet Comelles, Emilia Castaño Castaño and Joseph Hilferty 2013 Formal and functional variation of lexical bundles in biomedical EnglishBiomedical English: A corpus-based approach, Verdaguer, Isabel, Natalia Judith Laso and Danica Salazar (eds.), pp. 39–54 | Article
This study is an investigation of the morphosyntactic, lexical and functional variation of lexical bundles in scientific writing. In this chapter, we discuss the various methodological issues involved in the analysis of the structural variability and multifunctionality of lexical bundles, and the… read more
Verdaguer, Isabel, Natalia Judith Laso and Danica Salazar 2013 IntroductionBiomedical English: A corpus-based approach, Verdaguer, Isabel, Natalia Judith Laso and Danica Salazar (eds.), pp. ix–xiv | Article
Verdaguer, Isabel, Natalia Judith Laso, Trinidad Guzmán-González, Danica Salazar, Elisabet Comelles, Emilia Castaño Castaño and Joseph Hilferty 2013 SciE-Lex: A lexical databaseBiomedical English: A corpus-based approach, Verdaguer, Isabel, Natalia Judith Laso and Danica Salazar (eds.), pp. 21–38 | Article
This chapter deals with the main methodological issues underlying the building of the SciE-Lex lexical database and discusses and justifies the information included. SciE-Lex was initially conceived as a response to the lack of reference tools that can help scientists write scientific papers in… read more