Julia T. Williams Camus

List of John Benjamins publications for which Julia T. Williams Camus plays a role.

Hidalgo-Downing, Laura, Paula Pérez-Sobrino, Laura Filardo-Llamas, Carmen Maíz-Arévalo, Begoña Núñez Perucha, Alfonso Sánchez-Moya and Julia T. Williams Camus 2024 A protocol for the annotation of evaluative stance and metaphor across four discourse genresRevista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 37:2, pp. 486–517 | Article
The present article contributes to research on evaluation by addressing two complementary objectives: first, we present a protocol for the identification and annotation of evaluation in English discourse and, second, we show the results of the implementation of the protocol in the annotation of… read more
Williams Camus, Julia T. 2020 Chapter 5. To be or not to be: Reconsidering the metaphors of apoptosis in press popularisation articlesHow Metaphors Guide, Teach and Popularize Science, Beger, Anke and Thomas H. Smith (eds.), pp. 141–173 | Chapter
This chapter examines the metaphorical expressions used to explain apoptosis in press popularisations. The study was performed on a bilingual English-Spanish subset of 58 texts on apoptosis identified from a corpus of 300 cancer articles published in The Guardian, The Times, El País and El Mundo.… read more
Williams Camus, Julia T. 2020 Chapter 10. Creative journeys: Metaphors of metastasis in press popularization articlesPerforming Metaphoric Creativity across Modes and Contexts, Hidalgo-Downing, Laura and Blanca Kraljevic Mujic (eds.), pp. 221–248 | Chapter
This chapter draws on the notion of creative recontextualization to explore how metastasis is recontextualized through metaphor in a bilingual English-Spanish corpus of press popularization articles on cancer. The quantitative and qualitative analysis revealed marked cross-cultural differences.… read more
Williams Camus, Julia T. 2015 Review of Tay (2013): Metaphor in Psychotherapy. A Descriptive and Prescriptive AnalysisThe political impact of metaphors, Perrez, Julien and Min Reuchamps (eds.), pp. 283–289 | Review
Williams Camus, Julia T. 2015 Metaphor, news discourse and knowledgeMetaphor in Specialist Discourse, Herrmann, J. Berenike and Tony Berber Sardinha (eds.), pp. 245–270 | Article
The aim of this study is to analyse the role of metaphor in the dissemination of specialised knowledge through the discourse of newspaper articles. A bilingual English and Spanish newspaper corpus of 100 science popularisation articles on cancer (The Guardian and El País) was used to analyse and… read more
La métaphore est un outil très employé dans les articles de divulgation du cancer dans la presse parce que les processus par rapport à l’origine et la dissémination de la maladie restent relativement inconnus. Comme la métaphore implique nécessairement un système de correspondances partielles… read more