Sandro Nielsen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sandro Nielsen plays a role.


Subjects Lexicography | Terminology
Nielsen, Sandro 2023 Legal lexicography and legal information toolsHandbook of Terminology: Volume 3. Legal Terminology, Biel, Łucja and Hendrik J. Kockaert (eds.), pp. 432–457 | Chapter
Legal lexicography concerns dictionaries as information tools for needs-adapted information search. The objective is to develop principles and guidelines that help lexicographers design, evaluate, make and use legal dictionaries that fulfil specific types of need of specific types of user in… read more
European accounting terminology is dynamic as term creation occurs on national, European Union and international levels. English is the lingua franca of accounting, which influences terminologies in other languages, usually through the work of translators, e.g. the translation of existing… read more
European accounting terminology is dynamic as term creation and formation occurs on national, European Union and international levels. Although English is the lingua franca of accounting, international accounting standards in English exist on a par with their translations into other languages.… read more
Nielsen, Sandro and Sven Tarp 2009 15. Henning Bergenholtz: BibliovitaLexicography in the 21st Century: In honour of Henning Bergenholtz, Nielsen, Sandro and Sven Tarp (eds.), pp. 309–334 | Article
Nielsen, Sandro and Sven Tarp 2009 Introduction: Nothing is more practical than a good theoryLexicography in the 21st Century: In honour of Henning Bergenholtz, Nielsen, Sandro and Sven Tarp (eds.), pp. ix–xi | Miscellaneous
Bergenholtz, Henning and Sandro Nielsen 2006 Subject-field components as integrated parts of LSP dictionariesProcessing of Terms in Specialized Dictionaries: New Models and Techniques, L'Homme, Marie-Claude (ed.), pp. 281–303 | Article
The dividing line between specialised lexicography and terminography is non-existent. The focus of preparing dictionaries for a particular subject-field should be the needs of its user group in specific situations. This is catered for by the modern theory of dictionary functions and includes the… read more