Blaise Nkwenti-Azeh

List of John Benjamins publications for which Blaise Nkwenti-Azeh plays a role.

Nkwenti-Azeh, Blaise 2001 8.1.4 User-Specific Terminological Data RetrievalHandbook of Terminology Management: Volume 2: Application-Oriented Terminology Management, Wright, Sue Ellen and Gerhard Budin (comps.), pp. 600–612 | Article
Bessé, Bruno de, Blaise Nkwenti-Azeh and Juan C. Sager 1997 Glossary of terms used in terminologyTerminology 4:1, pp. 117–156 | Article
The features which distinguish special-language dictionaries from general-language dictionaries are described and exemplified by three technical dictionaries. The differences are explained in terms of differences in user groups and their expectations. Particular attention is devoted to the way… read more
Special-language term formation is characterised, inter alia, by the frequent reuse of certain lexical items in the formation of new syntagmatic units and by conceptually motivated restrictions on the position which certain elements can occupy within a compound term. This paper describes how the… read more