Montserrat Corretger

List of John Benjamins publications for which Montserrat Corretger plays a role.


Corretger, Montserrat and Francesc Foguet 2015 Els Retrats literarisde Domènec GuanséAproximació a l'altre / An approach to the other: Biografies, semblances i retrats / Biographies, resemblances and portraits, Balaguer, Enric, Maria Jesús Francés and Vicent Vidal (eds.), pp. 83–90 | Article
The present article defines the origin, the context, and the critical method of the portrait written by Domènec Guansé wrote between the 1930s, the exile in Chile (1940–1963) and his return. His work is focused on Retrats literaris and Abans d’Ara (second version of the former), two works of… read more