Maeve Olohan
List of John Benjamins publications for which Maeve Olohan plays a role.
Knowing in translation practice: A practice-theoretical perspective Translation Practice in the Field: Current research on socio-cognitive processes, Risku, Hanna, Regina Rogl and Jelena Milosevic (eds.), pp. 161–182 | Article
2019 This paper addresses the relationship between practice and knowledge intranslation. It employs practice theory to conceptualize ‘knowing-in-practice’,introducing a theoretical approach to translation studies that enables an analytical focus on the practice of translating, rather than on the… read more
Knowing in translation practice: A practice-theoretical perspective Translation Practice in the Field: Current research on socio-cognitive processes, Risku, Hanna, Regina Rogl and Jelena Milosevic (eds.), pp. 159–180 | Article
2017 This paper addresses the relationship between practice and knowledge in translation. It employs practice theory to conceptualize ‘knowing-in-practice’, introducing a theoretical approach to translation studies that enables an analytical focus on the practice of translating, rather than on the… read more
Technology, translation and society: A constructivist, critical theory approach Translation in times of technocapitalism, Baumgarten, Stefan and Jordi Cornellà-Detrell (eds.), pp. 264–283 | Article
2017 Translation studies and social theories of translation tend not to deal adequately with questions regarding the role of technology in translation and have neglected the ways in which technologies, as non-human entities, embody and materialize hegemonic and power relations. This paper seeks to… read more
Commercial translation Handbook of Translation Studies: Volume 1, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 41–44 | Article
2010 How frequent are the contractions? A study of contracted forms in the Translational English Corpus Target 15:1, pp. 59–89 | Article
2003 This paper analyses contractions in translated language, comparing the use of contracted forms by translators of fiction and biography into English with the contraction patterns of writers of similar texts in English. Significant differences are found between the English of literary translation and… read more