This chapter investigates an embedded V2 option that features prominently in modern spoken Afrikaans, while being either completely barred or heavily restricted in other V2 languages: embedded wh-V2. This option, which is available in all wh-complements, freely alternates with its prescriptively… read more
We document a case of change from a mesoparameter to a microparameter to a nanoparameter involving Conditional Inversion (CI) in English. What has changed since Old English is the range of elements affected by T-to-C movement, and how it relates to other forms of head-movement into the C-field. In… read more
This paper considers the question of the nature of parameters from a diachronic perspective, focusing in particular on the case of Conditional Inversion (CI) in the history of English. The objective is to show that it is meaningful to think of parameters and their synchronic robustness and… read more
Drawing on recent developments in Afrikaans and Brazilian Portuguese, this paper proposes a syntactic constraint, alongside previously identified phonological and pragmatic ones, on progression in Jespersen’s (1917) Cycle/ JC. In particular, it argues that languages which draw on structurally high… read more
This chapter examines the predictions of Biberauer, Holmberg & Roberts’s (2007, 2008) Final-over-Final Constraint/FOFC for grammatical change and borrowing. As a putatively invariant syntactic principle, FOFC excludes the synchronic possibility of head-final phrases dominating categorially alike… read more