Franca Orletti

List of John Benjamins publications for which Franca Orletti plays a role.


Dialogue in institutional settings

Edited by Franca Orletti and Letizia Caronia

Special issue of Language and Dialogue 9:1 (2019) v, 190 pp.
Subjects Anthropology | Applied linguistics | Cognition and language | Communication Studies | Computational & corpus linguistics | Dialogue studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Psychology | Sociology

Culture in Communication: Analyses of intercultural situations

Edited by Aldo Di Luzio, Susanne Günthner and Franca Orletti

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 81] 2001. xvi, 341 pp.
Subjects Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Caronia, Letizia and Franca Orletti 2019 The agency of language in institutional talk: An introductionDialogue in institutional settings, Orletti, Franca and Letizia Caronia (eds.), pp. 1–27 | Review article
This article, introducing the Special Issue, investigates the notion of “agency of language” and its historical roots: the phenomenological emphasis on the social actors’ role in constituting their Life-World. It reconstructs the genesis – at the beginning of the 20th century – of two ideas that… read more
Orletti, Franca 2019 Latin as a tool for social differentiation and epistemic asymmetry: The language of medicineDialogue in institutional settings, Orletti, Franca and Letizia Caronia (eds.), pp. 106–124 | Article
The paper aims to present the outcome of a research on the persistence of Latin in Medical Language. The analysis has been carried out on written and spoken data: clinical records; doctor-patient interactions; prescriptions; package information leaflets. The study shows that in medical… read more
Di Luzio, Aldo, Susanne Günthner and Franca Orletti 2001 IntroductionCulture in Communication: Analyses of intercultural situations, Di Luzio, Aldo, Susanne Günthner and Franca Orletti (eds.), pp. vii–xvi | Miscellaneous
Orletti, Franca 2001 The Conversational Construction of Social Identity in Native/Non-native InteractionCulture in Communication: Analyses of intercultural situations, Di Luzio, Aldo, Susanne Günthner and Franca Orletti (eds.), pp. 271–294 | Article
Orletti, Franca 1995 Figure and Ground in Second Language Narratives: Traces of IconicityIconicity in Language, Simone, Raffaele (ed.), pp. 171–196 | Article