Jane Hodson
List of John Benjamins publications for which Jane Hodson plays a role.
ISSN 2950-578X | E-ISSN 2950-5798
Linguistics and Literary History: In honour of Sylvia Adamson
Edited by Anita Auer, Victorina González-Díaz, Jane Hodson and Violeta Sotirova
[Linguistic Approaches to Literature, 25] 2016. vi, 216 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Historical linguistics | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical literature & literary studies
Introduction Linguistics and Literary History: In honour of Sylvia Adamson, Auer, Anita, Victorina González-Díaz, Jane Hodson and Violeta Sotirova (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Article
2016 Chapter 8. Jane Austen and the prescriptivists Linguistics and Literary History: In honour of Sylvia Adamson, Auer, Anita, Victorina González-Díaz, Jane Hodson and Violeta Sotirova (eds.), pp. 151–170 | Article
2016 In contradistinction to interpretations that have positioned Austen as the
epitome of a fixed and finished style, in this chapter I position her as an author
who was writing at a time of considerable linguistic and stylistic change. In
order to do so, I take both a micro- and a macro-linguistic… read more
The problem of Joseph Priestley’s (1733–1804) descriptivism New Approaches to the Study of Later Modern English, pp. 57–84 | Article
2006 Joseph Priestley’s (1733–1804) Rudiments of English Grammar (1761, second revised edition 1768) has often been interpreted as demonstrating that, unlike most 18th-century grammarians, Priestley took a descriptive approach towards the study of language. This article argues that such a… read more