Christophe Parisse

List of John Benjamins publications for which Christophe Parisse plays a role.

Parisse, Christophe, Sophie de Pontonx et Aliyah Morgenstern 2018 L’imparfait dans le langage de l’enfant: Une forme pour sortir de l’ici et maintenantLanguage, Interaction and Acquisition 9:2, pp. 183–225 | Article
Pour faire référence à des événements passés ou futurs, l’enfant doit parler d’objets et de situations qui ne sont ni visibles ni audibles, mais mémorisées, imaginaires, ou désirées. L’imparfait est l’un des temps grammaticaux qui permet d’exprimer cette « déconnexion » avec l’ici et maintenant.… read more
Ninety French-speaking children aged 2 to 4 years were presented with short utterances containing homophonous or nonce words whose object or action meaning was identifiable on the sole basis of the preceding grammatical morpheme. Items in noun and verb contexts were presented to the same children… read more
Parisse, Christophe and Caroline Rossi 2017 Semantic discrimination of Noun/Verb categories in French children aged 1;6 to 2;11Lexical Polycategoriality: Cross-linguistic, cross-theoretical and language acquisition approaches, Vapnarsky, Valentina and Edy Veneziano (eds.), pp. 413–442 | Chapter
This study assesses the part played by semantics in the emergence of grammatical categories in child language. Based on basic, real-world properties, we analyze each of the first nouns and verbs used by three French-speaking children, and code them along six semantic dimensions – animacy,… read more
Because of its syntactic, semantic and cognitive complexity, the French morphology for tense, aspect and modality is acquired slowly and gradually by children, from the moment they are born until their adolescence. The least frequent forms in adult language are acquired later. In order to… read more
Morgenstern, Aliyah and Christophe Parisse 2012 Constructing ‘basic’ verbal constructions: A longitudinal study of the blossoming of constructions with six frequent verbsConstructions in French, Bouveret, Myriam and Dominique Legallois (eds.), pp. 127–154 | Article
In this study, the development of verb constructions in young French speaking children is analyzed by focusing on spontaneous language data from three children of the Paris corpus (Leonard, Madeleine, Théophile) age 1;06 up to 3;06. The focus of the work is on six specific verbs which are quite… read more
Parisse, Christophe 2008 1. Left-dislocated subjects: A construction typical of young French-speaking children?First Language Acquisition of Morphology and Syntax: Perspectives across languages and learners, Guijarro-Fuentes, Pedro, María Pilar Larrañaga and John Clibbens (eds.), pp. 13–30 | Article
Few constructions in children’s production can be considered originals and not mere copies (partial or complete) of adult input. These rare constructions are precious to child language studies because they may reveal a developmental process at work. One of them is children’s left-dislocated… read more