Teresa Parodi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Teresa Parodi plays a role.


Paths of Development in L1 and L2 acquisition: In honor of Bonnie D. Schwartz

Edited by Sharon Unsworth, Teresa Parodi, Antonella Sorace and Martha Young-Scholten

[Language Acquisition and Language Disorders, 39] 2006. viii, 222 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Language acquisition | Theoretical linguistics


Parodi, Teresa 2009 Clitic doubling and clitic left dislocation in Spanish and Greek L2 grammarsRepresentational Deficits in SLA: Studies in honor of Roger Hawkins, Snape, Neal, Yan-kit Ingrid Leung and Michael Sharwood Smith (eds.), pp. 167–185 | Article
Morphological properties in L2 acquisition have a prominent role in the current research agenda, particularly with respect to the optionality observed and what this tells us about learners’ representations. Some authors (Smith and Tsimpli 1995, Hawkins and Chan 1997, Hawkins and Franceschina 2004,… read more
Unsworth, Sharon, Teresa Parodi, Antonella Sorace and Martha Young-Scholten 2006 IntroductionPaths of Development in L1 and L2 acquisition: In honor of Bonnie D. Schwartz, Unsworth, Sharon, Teresa Parodi, Antonella Sorace and Martha Young-Scholten (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Miscellaneous