John Payne
List of John Benjamins publications for which John Payne plays a role.
The oblique genitive in English Morphosyntactic Categories and the Expression of Possession, Börjars, Kersti, David Denison and Alan K. Scott (eds.), pp. 177–192 | Article
2013 The English oblique genitive construction, illustrated by examples such as a friend of the Prime Minister’s, has variously been analysed as a conditioned variant of the subject-determiner construction (the Prime Minister’s friend), as a conditioned variant of the of-oblique (a friend of the Prime… read more
There are no special clitics Morphology and its Interfaces, Galani, Alexandra, Glyn Hicks and George Tsoulas (eds.), pp. 57–96 | Article
2011 The hypothesis of Clitic Idiosyncrasy holds that special clitics are neither words nor affixes, but constitute a separate type of object whose behaviour is partly governed by dedicated grammatical mechanisms. In an influential implementation of this idea, Judith L. Klavans and Stephen R. Anderson… read more
The English accusative-and-infinitive construction: A categorial analysis The Clause in English: In honour of Rodney Huddleston, Collins, Peter and David Lee (eds.), pp. 187–228 | Article