Thomas E. Payne

List of John Benjamins publications for which Thomas E. Payne plays a role.


Perspectives on Grammar Writing

Edited by Thomas E. Payne and David J. Weber

[Benjamins Current Topics, 11] 2007. viii, 218 pp.
Subjects Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Typology

Perspectives on Grammar Writing

Edited by Thomas E. Payne and David J. Weber

Special issue of Studies in Language 30:2 (2006) iv, 227 pp.
Subjects Functional linguistics | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Jang, Taeho and Thomas E. Payne 2014 Conspiring motivations for causative and passive isomorphism: Data from XibeOn Diversity and Complexity of Languages Spoken in Europe and North and Central Asia, Suihkonen, Pirkko and Lindsay J. Whaley (eds.), pp. 91–108 | Article
In many languages a single morphological category exists that expresses both causative and passive functions. Such “causative/passive isomorphism” appears anomalous from the point of view of much work in linguistic typology in that a causative is often considered a “valence increasing”… read more
Jang, Taeho and Thomas E. Payne 2012 Topic marking and the construction of narrative in XibeArgument Structure and Grammatical Relations: A crosslinguistic typology, Suihkonen, Pirkko, Bernard Comrie and Valery Solovyev (eds.), pp. 151–176 | Article
Xibe is a Tungus-Manchu language spoken in Xinjiang Uygur [Uighur] Autonomous Region in Northwestern China. In this paper we present a corpusbased study of the structural and discourse-functional behavior of the particle da in spoken Xibe. From a structural perspective, we observe that da may occur… read more
Payne, Thomas E. 2007 A grammar as a communicative act, or what does a grammatical description really describe?Perspectives on Grammar Writing, Payne, Thomas E. and David J. Weber (eds.), pp. 127–142 | Article
A descriptive grammar is a document that is intended to communicate important and complex patterns of knowledge within a speech community. Previous conceptions of linguistic grammars have emphasized a metaphor in which the internal grammar of a language is perceived as a “machine” that transforms… read more
Payne, Thomas E. 2006 IntroductionPerspectives on Grammar Writing, Payne, Thomas E. and David J. Weber (eds.), pp. 235–243 | Article
A grammatical description is an essential component of any program of language documentation and preservation. With over half the languages in the world currently in danger of extinction within a century, the need for descriptive grammars is more critical than ever. Potential grammar writers often… read more
Payne, Thomas E. 2006 A grammar as a communicative act: or : What does a grammatical description really describe?Perspectives on Grammar Writing, Payne, Thomas E. and David J. Weber (eds.), pp. 367–383 | Article
A descriptive grammar is a document that is intended to communicate important and complex patterns of knowledge within a speech community. Previous conceptions of linguistic grammars have emphasized a metaphor in which the internal grammar of a language is perceived as a “machine” that transforms… read more
Payne, Thomas E. and Thomas Laskowske 1997 Voice in Seko PadangEssays on Language Function and Language Type: Dedicated to T. Givón, Bybee, Joan L., John Haiman and Sandra A. Thompson (eds.), pp. 423–436 | Article
Payne, Thomas E. 1988 Referential Distance and Discourse Structure in YaguaStudies in Language 12:2, pp. 345–392 | Article