Carmen Pérez-Vidal

List of John Benjamins publications for which Carmen Pérez-Vidal plays a role.




Methods in Study Abroad Research: Past, present, and future

Edited by Carmen Pérez-Vidal and Cristina Sanz

Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching | Multilingualism
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching
The purpose of the present study is to offer insights into how Spanish undergraduates, who were mid-way through an English-medium programme at a university in Catalonia, articulate their past decision to study an academic subject in English. Economics students (34 in total) completed an oral… read more
Pérez-Vidal, Carmen and Cristina Sanz 2023 Chapter 1. Research methods in study abroad: A critical state of the art accountMethods in Study Abroad Research: Past, present, and future, Pérez-Vidal, Carmen and Cristina Sanz (eds.), pp. 9–30 | Chapter
The chapter summarizes the evolution of SA research from the 90s to the present, a field that has become an established area of inquiry with theoretical impact and methodological sophistication. SA research has incorporated the different approaches and methodological changes that have… read more
This study examines the progress made by a group of ERASMUS students in their use of the Spanish Preterite and Imperfect during a stay abroad. Advanced learners of Spanish (N = 12) and native speakers (N = 12) completed an impersonal narrative-based forced-choice test (INT) and an explicit… read more
Ament, Jennifer, Carmen Pérez-Vidal and Júlia Barón 2018 The effects of English-medium instruction on the use of textual and interpersonal pragmatic markersPragmatics 28:4, pp. 517–546 | Article
This study examines a semi and a full English-medium instruction (EMI) undergraduate program offered at a Catalan university in order to measure its effect on the students’ oral output. Specifically, it tackles the acquisition of pragmatic markers (PMs) by measuring four variables, the overall… read more
Beattie, John, Margalida Valls-Ferrer and Carmen Pérez-Vidal 2014 Chapter 8. Listening performance and onset level 
in formal instruction and study abroadLanguage Acquisition in Study Abroad and Formal Instruction Contexts, Pérez-Vidal, Carmen (ed.), pp. 195–216 | Chapter
The present chapter seeks to throw light onto the main research question in SALA, to measure the short and long-term effects on listening abilities of a three-month Study Abroad (SA) period, in the case of seventy-five Catalan/Spanish advanced EFL participants within the SALA Project. They are… read more
This chapter presents the Study Abroad and Language Acquisition (SALA) research Project in detail, as an introduction to the empirical studies reported on in Part II of this volume, each dealing with a specific objective of the project in relation to a domain of learners’ progress achieved in Study… read more
In this chapter, we consider progress in the domain of academic writing by 73 advanced-level EFL learners within the SALA Project. We compare their essays before and after a 6-month period of Formal Instruction at home (FI/AH), a 3-month period of Study Abroad (SA), and 15 months after SA. We seek… read more
Pérez-Vidal, Carmen and Maria Juan-Garau 2009 The effect of Study Abroad (SA) on written performanceEUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 9 (2009), Roberts, Leah, Georges Daniel Véronique, Anna Nilsson and Marion Tellier (eds.), pp. 269–295 | Article
Research on the effects of Study Abroad (SA) periods on learners’ linguistic progress has tended to focus on oral skills, and few SA studies have focused on learners’ development in writing while abroad. The subjects in the present study were 37 advanced level non-native (NNSs) university students… read more
Celaya, M. Luz, Maria Rosa Torras and Carmen Pérez-Vidal 2001 Short and mid-term effects of an earlier start: An analysis of EFL written productionEUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 1 (2001), Foster-Cohen, Susan H. and Anna Nizegorodcew (eds.), pp. 195–209 | Article
Most studies concerning the issue of age have focused on the language outcomes of subjects who started acquiring a second language during childhood, or later on during adolescence or adulthood in naturalistic contexts. However, relatively few studies have been concerned with school contexts where… read more