Miriam R.L. Petruck

List of John Benjamins publications for which Miriam R.L. Petruck plays a role.



Edited by Miriam R.L. Petruck

[Benjamins Current Topics, 100] 2018. vi, 198 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics


Edited by Miriam R.L. Petruck

Special issue of Constructions and Frames 8:2 (2016) v, 192 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Functional linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Petruck, Miriam R.L. 2022 Frame semanticsHandbook of Pragmatics: Manual, Verschueren, Jef and Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), pp. 592–601 | Chapter
Lee-Goldman, Russell and Miriam R.L. Petruck 2018 Chapter 2. The FrameNet constructicon in actionConstructicography: Constructicon development across languages, Lyngfelt, Benjamin, Lars Borin, Kyoko Ohara and Tiago Timponi Torrent (eds.), pp. 19–40 | Chapter
The present work provides an overview of the FrameNet Constructicon both as an addition to the FrameNet knowledge base and as proof of concept for theoretical and practical constructicon development. The paper begins with a brief discussion of the fundamental principles of Construction Grammar,… read more
Petruck, Miriam R.L. 2018 Introduction to MetaNetMetaNet, Petruck, Miriam R.L. (ed.), pp. 3–10 | Article
Petruck, Miriam R.L. 2016 Introduction to MetaNetMetaNet, Petruck, Miriam R.L. (ed.), pp. 133–140 | Article
Petruck, Miriam R.L. 2013 Advances in Frame SemanticsAdvances in Frame Semantics, Fried, Mirjam and Kiki Nikiforidou (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Introduction
Petruck, Miriam R.L. 2011 Advances in frame semanticsAdvances in Frame Semantics, pp. 1–8 | Article
Petruck, Miriam R.L. 1997 Frame semanticsHandbook of Pragmatics: 1996 Installment, Verschueren, Jef, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert † and Chris Bulcaen (eds.), pp. 1–13 | Article
Petruck, Miriam R.L. 1996 Frame semantics and the lexicon: Nouns and verbs in the body frameEssays in Semantics and Pragmatics: In honor of Charles J. Fillmore, Shibatani, Masayoshi and Sandra A. Thompson (eds.), pp. 279–298 | Article