Bo Pettersson

List of John Benjamins publications for which Bo Pettersson plays a role.

Pettersson, Bo 2013 Chapter 9. Hypothetical action: Poetry under erasure in Blake, Dickinson and EliotThe Ethics of Literary Communication: Genuineness, directness, indirectness, Sell, Roger D., Adam Borch and Inna Lindgren (eds.), pp. 129–145 | Article
Pettersson, Bo 2009 Three fallacies in interpreting literatureHumane Readings: Essays on literary mediation and communication in honour of Roger D. Sell, Finch, Jason, Martin Gill, Anthony Johnson, Iris Lindahl-Raittila, Inna Lindgren, Tuija Virtanen and Brita Wårvik (eds.), pp. 145–156 | Article
There are three mistakes that are rather common in recent literary studies, the single context fallacy, the interactional fallacy and the non-referential fallacy, the first of which is particularly common in literary theory and literary pragmatics, the second in the theory and practice of literary… read more
Pettersson, Bo 2002 12. Seven trends in recent thematics and a case studyThematics: Interdisciplinary Studies, Louwerse, Max M. and Willie van Peer (eds.), pp. 237–252 | Chapter
Pettersson, Bo 2000 Doing the Unexpected: Syntax and Style in Raymond Chandler’s FictionWriting in Nonstandard English, Taavitsainen, Irma, Gunnel Melchers and Päivi Pahta (eds.), pp. 87–100 | Article