Richard L. Venezky

List of John Benjamins publications for which Richard L. Venezky plays a role.


Venezky, Richard L. 2005 In search of the perfect orthographyFrom Letter to Sound: New perspectives on writing systems, Neef, Martin and Beatrice Primus † (eds.), pp. 139–163 | Article
Philologists, linguists, and educators have insisted for several centuries that the ideal orthography has a one-to-one correspondence between grapheme and phoneme. Others, however, have suggested deviations for such functions as distinguishing homophones, displaying popular alternative spellings,… read more
Poggenpohl, Sharon, Richard L. Venezky, Eli Blevis, Andrew Cargile, Alon Friedman and Jay Melican 1996 The Alphabet Highway: Literacy in a digital contextInformation Design Journal 8:3, pp. 267–278 | Article
Strengthening literacy amongst school children is a national educational priority in the US. The 'Alphabet Highway' moves reading and writing onto the Internet and Worldwide Web with its program of mentor-assisted writing and electronic publication. Its focus is the coordination of interesting and… read more