Cristina Muru
List of John Benjamins publications for which Cristina Muru plays a role.
Mood and modality in 17th century missionary grammars of Tamil: The subjunctive and the imperative Missionary Linguistics VI: Missionary Linguistics in Asia, Zwartjes, Otto and Paolo De Troia (eds.), pp. 233–264 | Chapter
2021 Mapping the spread of the English language in India: A linguistic ecology approach Language of Empire, Language of Power, Versteegh, Kees (ed.), pp. 18–40 | Article
2018 This article aims to offer, within an intra- and interdisciplinary approach, a further analysis of the formal and informal contexts in which the English language was used in India during the British colonisation, highlighting the favourable conditions these contexts created for the formation of… read more
Shaping Minds and Cultures: The impact of missionary translations in Southern India Missionary Linguistics V / Lingüística Misionera V: Translation theories and practices, Zwartjes, Otto, Klaus Zimmermann and Martina Schrader-Kniffki (eds.), pp. 203–230 | Article