Aaron J.P. Almadro

List of John Benjamins publications for which Aaron J.P. Almadro plays a role.


Narrative, Identity, and the City: Filipino stories of dislocation and relocation

Raul P. Lejano, Alicia P. Lejano, Josefina D. Constantino, Aaron J.P. Almadro and Mikaella Evaristo

Subjects Narrative Studies | Theoretical literature & literary studies


Almadro, Aaron J.P. 2018 Chapter 5. Story 3: The city lostNarrative, Identity, and the City: Filipino stories of dislocation and relocation, Lejano, Raul P., Alicia P. Lejano, Josefina D. Constantino, Aaron J.P. Almadro and Mikaella Evaristo, pp. 79–99 | Chapter