Detlev Blanke
List of John Benjamins publications for which Detlev Blanke plays a role.
Causes of the relative success of Esperanto Language Problems and Language Planning 33:3, pp. 251–266 | Article
2009 Among what are now more than 1000 efforts to create an international language, primarily the project of L. L. Zamenhof (1887) has developed into a living and flexible language. Although Zamenhof’s hopes for a language accepted worldwide were not fulfilled, Esperanto proves that in principle it is… read more
Interlinguistics and Esperanto studies: Paths to the scholarly literature Language Problems and Language Planning 27:2, pp. 155–192 | Miscellaneous
2003 A significant number of publications on interlinguistics and Esperanto studies would be improved if their authors had a more thorough knowledge of the significant scholarly literature. However, it is often difficult even for the specialist to find his or her way among current and older scholarly… read more
Zur Rolle von Plansprachen im terminologiewissenschaftlichen Werk von Eugen Wüster Language Problems and Language Planning 22:3, pp. 267–279 | Miscellaneous
1998 SUMMARY On the Role of Planned Languages in Eugen Wüster's Work on Terminology Science The founder of terminology science was also an important interlinguist and a pioneering researcher on Esperanto. His profound interest in planned languages had a significant effect on the development of his ideas… read more
Wege zur interlinguistischen und esperantologischen Fachliteratur Language Problems and Language Planning 20:2, pp. 168–181 | Miscellaneous
1996 SUMMARY Locating the Scientific Literature on Interlinguistics and Esperanto Studies Interlinguistics and Esperanto studies are still largely neglected in mainstream linguistics. One reason for this is the difficulty experienced by non-specialists in locating the scientific literature in these… read more
4. GIL-Tagung über Esperantologie Language Problems and Language Planning 19:2, pp. 188–189 | Miscellaneous
1995 Review of Pinto (): Hipersigne: la Hiperlingve Language Problems and Language Planning 18:2, pp. 147–148 | Review
1994 Review of Symoens (1989): Bibliografio de universitataj kaj altlernejaj diplomverkoj, disertacioj kaj tezoj pri Esperanto kaj interlingvistiko. /Bibliographie: théses et dissertations universitaire ou d’instituts supérieurs sur l’espéranto et l’interlinguistique. / Disserations and Theses on Esperanto and Interlinguistics: A Bibliography Language Problems and Language Planning 16:3, pp. 288–291 | Review
The Term "Planned Language" Language Problems and Language Planning 11:3, pp. 335–349 | Article
1987 RESUMO La termino "planlingvo" En la fako lingvistiko kaj ĝia subfako interlingvistiko, regas multa nekonsekvenceco en la esprimoj utiligataj por priskribi lingvon kiel ekzemple Esperanton. Fakuloj kaj laikoj parolas pri "monda lingvo," "universala lingvo," "helpa lingvo," "artefarita lingvo" kaj… read more