Freddie Plassard

List of John Benjamins publications for which Freddie Plassard plays a role.


ISSN 1598-7647 | E-ISSN 2451-909X


Traduire, écrire, réécrire dans un monde en mutation / Writing and Translating as changing Practices: Volume II

Edited by Fayza El Qasem and Freddie Plassard

Special issue of FORUM 16:1 (2018) vi, 196 pp.
Subjects Translation Studies

Traduire, écrire, réécrire dans un monde en mutation / Writing and Translating as changing Practices: Volume I

Edited by Fayza El Qasem and Freddie Plassard

Special issue of FORUM 15:2 (2017) v, 168 pp.
Subjects Translation Studies
El Qasem, Fayza et Freddie Plassard 2017 IntroductionTraduire, écrire, réécrire dans un monde en mutation / Writing and Translating as changing Practices: Volume I, El Qasem, Fayza and Freddie Plassard (eds.), pp. 173–177 | Introduction
Le présent article a pour objet de faire le point sur l’exploration d’un nouveau pan de la pratique de la traduction professionnelle, celui du recours des praticiens à des listes de diffusion créées à leur propre initiative. Ce dispositif repose sur l’échange de questions et de réponses destiné… read more
Plassard, Freddie 2015 Déverbalisation et traduction écriteFORUM 13:2, pp. 95–128 | Article
Abstract/Résumé Deverbalisation is a key concept of the interpretive theory which keeps raising questions, misunderstanding and comments. This article aims at shedding new light on the process at work in written texts, starting from a different angle, i.e. translated texts in which it might a… read more
Abstract/Résumé In the documentary film The woman with the five elephants, Wadim Jendreyko depicts the woman translator Svetlana Geier who translated Dostoevsky’s works from Russian into German. The film is made up of stock shots and testimonies. It is an opportunity to revisit such notions as… read more
Abstract/Résumé In this novel, Brice Matthieussent depicts a translator who tries to get rid of the author and his « authority » by all kinds of means. Even if the narrative is very developed and sometimes difficult to follow, Matthieussent seems to aim at demonstrating the creative force and value… read more
Abstract/Résumé Proper names have long been considered untranslatable or not to be translated. The various examples analysed by the authors of the present Forum issue in the context of travel literature show that they are indeed translated according to different strategies. As part of discourse as… read more
Abstract/Résumé The interaction between documentation and terminology research and the end-result of the translation process has not been thoroughly documented in translation studies. An attempt in this direction is made here, based on an experience with M1 students in translation, showing that the… read more
Plassard, Freddie 2006 La lecture en traduction: bilan d’une rechercheFORUM 4:1, pp. 205–220 | Article
Abstract/Résumé Though reading is seldom examined as such in translation studies, it is a major skill of translation competence. While first describing a particular experience and showing various aspects of the reading activity, the article outlines the main features of reading in the translation… read more