Hemi Whaanga

List of John Benjamins publications for which Hemi Whaanga plays a role.


Calude, Andreea S., Eline Zenner, Laura Rosseel and Hemi Whaanga 2024 Māori loanwords in New Zealand English: What can a picture-naming task reveal for language planning?Language Problems and Language Planning 48:1, pp. 48–74 | Article
The Indigenous language of ANZ, Māori is undergoing significant revitalisation, following severe loss of vitality caused by English colonialism. One dimension to this revitalisation is the normalising of borrowings from Māori into New Zealand English (NZE). However, there are currently no… read more
Calude, Andreea S., Sally Harper, Steven Miller and Hemi Whaanga 2019 Detecting language change: Māori loanwords in a diachronic topic-constrained corpus of New Zealand English newspapersAsia-Pacific Language Variation 5:2, pp. 109–137 | Article
The borrowing of words from one language into another is most likely as ancient as language itself. While ample linguistic attention has focused on various linguistic contact scenarios in which words from one language enter productive use into another, their aim has been largely restricted to… read more