Ben Pin-Yun Wang
List of John Benjamins publications for which Ben Pin-Yun Wang plays a role.
Chapter 12. Linguistic metaphor identification in Chinese Metaphor Identification in Multiple Languages: MIPVU around the world, Nacey, Susan, Aletta G. Dorst, Tina Krennmayr and W. Gudrun Reijnierse (eds.), pp. 247–265 | Chapter
2019 On the principled polysemy of -kai in Chinese resultative verbs Chinese Language and Discourse 6:1, pp. 2–27 | Article
2015 The present study sets out to construct a semantic network for -kai in Chinese resultative verbs based on the framework of Principled Polysemy. Our analysis concerning the cognitive-pragmatic motivations for the meaning extensions of postverbal -kai pinpoints the significance of perspective-taking… read more