Salvador Pons Bordería

List of John Benjamins publications for which Salvador Pons Bordería plays a role.


Language Change in the 20th Century: Exploring micro-diachronic evolutions in Romance languages

Edited by Salvador Pons Bordería and Shima Salameh Jiménez

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 340] 2024. vi, 292 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Historical linguistics | Pragmatics | Romance linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Discourse Segmentation in Romance Languages

Edited by Salvador Pons Bordería

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 250] 2014. v, 276 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Este trabajo se ocupa de la difusión del cambio lingüístico a partir de un estudio de caso: la adopción de tío/-a como vocativos contraculturales que se propagaron en el lenguaje juvenil a lo largo de las décadas 70 y 80 (Llopis y Pons 2020). El estudio se basa en una copiosa documentación, que… read more
This paper analyzes the diffusion of linguistic change through a case study focusing on the adoption of tío as a vocative and discourse marker in the 1970s and 1980s. Two strands of research are used to explain this case: Firstly, Labov’s (2010) theory of diffusion in linguistic change is used… read more
Pons Bordería, Salvador and Shima Salameh Jiménez 2024 From synchrony to diachrony: The study of the 20th century as a distinct place for language changeLanguage Change in the 20th Century: Exploring micro-diachronic evolutions in Romance languages, Pons Bordería, Salvador and Shima Salameh Jiménez (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Chapter
Pons Bordería, Salvador and Ana Llopis Cardona 2020 Some reflections on semantic–pragmatic cyclesThe Role of Pragmatics in Cyclic Language Change, Mosegaard Hansen, Maj-Britt (ed.), pp. 315–346 | Article
This paper explores novel ways to consider semantic–pragmatic cycles using a dual strategy: an inwards strategy, whereby the distinctive traits of a pragmatic cycle are established, and an outwards strategy, whereby the categories that delimit semantic–pragmatic cycles are described. The result… read more
Pons Bordería, Salvador 2018 The combination of discourse markers in spontaneous conversations: Keys to untying a Gordian knotModels of Discourse Units in Romance Languages, Borreguero Zuloaga, Margarita, Vahram Atayan and Sybille Große (eds.), pp. 121–158 | Article
This paper attempts to establish some basis for the combination of discourse markers in conversations. The analysis presented here will be based on Spanish spontaneous conversations and will make use of the Val.Es.Co model of discourse units developed in the last ten years (Briz et al. 2003;… read more
Salameh Jiménez, Shima, María Estellés and Salvador Pons Bordería 2018 Chapter 5. Beyond the notion of periphery: An account of polyfunctional discourse markers within the Val.Es.Co. model of discourse segmentationPositioning the Self and Others: Linguistic perspectives, Beeching, Kate, Chiara Ghezzi and Piera Molinelli (eds.), pp. 105–125 | Chapter
This paper offers an alternative analysis to the Subjectivity, Intersubjectivity and Peripheries Hypothesis or SIPH (Beeching, Degand, Detges, Traugott and Waltereit 2009; Traugott 2012; Beeching and Detges 2014; Higashizumi, Onodera and Sohn 2016). The SIPH focuses on the left and right… read more
Estellés, María and Salvador Pons Bordería 2014 Absolute initial positionDiscourse Segmentation in Romance Languages, Pons Bordería, Salvador (ed.), pp. 121–155 | Article
This paper argues in favour of a discourse position called Absolute Initial Position (AIP). AIP is the place where conversationalists set up the basis for a new conversation, what implies choices regarding the number of participants, their role, the private/public character of the communicative… read more
Pons Bordería, Salvador 2014 Models of discourse segmentation in Romance languages: An overviewDiscourse Segmentation in Romance Languages, Pons Bordería, Salvador (ed.), pp. 1–21 | Article
Pons Bordería, Salvador 2007 Catherine E. Travis. Discourse Markers in Colombian Spanish. A Study in PolysemySpanish in Context 4:2, pp. 303–312 | Miscellaneous
Pons Bordería, Salvador and Scott A. Schwenter 2005 Polar meaning and “expletive” negation in approximative adverbs: Spanish por poco (no)The Evolution of Pragmatic Markers, Mosegaard Hansen, Maj-Britt and Corinne Rossari (eds.), pp. 262–282 | Article
In this paper we provide a synchronic and diachronic analysis of an instance of so-called “expletive” negation in the Spanish approximative adverb por poco. Synchronically, we show that this adverb, when combined with the sentence negator no, is ambiguous between ~p (“expletive”) and ~~p… read more