Geoffrey Poole

List of John Benjamins publications for which Geoffrey Poole plays a role.


Poole, Geoffrey 2016 Focus and the syntacticization of discourseRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 10: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' 28, Lisbon, Carrilho, Ernestina, Alexandra Fiéis, Maria Lobo and Sandra Pereira (eds.), pp. 191–210 | Article
This paper examines two pairs of phenomena: Quantifier Fronting in Old Spanish and Modern Spanish (Mackenzie 2010; Leonetti and Escandell-Vidal 2009) and declarative verb-clitic orders in Old Spanish and ‘Conservative’ Asturian (Fontana 1993; Fernández Rubiera 2009). While the syntax of each… read more
Poole, Geoffrey 2011 Focus and the development of N-words in SpanishRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2009: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' Nice 2009, Berns, Janine, Haike Jacobs and Tobias Scheer (eds.), pp. 291–304 | Article
During Spain’s ‘Golden Age’ period, n-words in Spanish, such as nada ‘nothing’, changed from being negative polarity items to negative concord items. During the same period, immediately pre-verbal n-words, which previously had expressed wide-focus for VP constitutes, came to acquire a mildly… read more
Poole, Geoffrey 1996 Optional Movement in the Minimalist ProgramMinimal Ideas: Syntactic studies in the minimalist framework, Abraham, Werner, Samuel David Epstein, Höskuldur Thráinsson and Jan-Wouter Zwart (eds.), pp. 199–216 | Article