Rebecca Posner

List of John Benjamins publications for which Rebecca Posner plays a role.

George Cornewall Lewis (1806–1863) was a Liberal statesman who attained high office, but whose interest in the ‘new philology’ was maintained throughout his life, although he also wrote extensively on politics and history. His most interesting philological work is an Essay on the For- mation of… read more
Posner, Rebecca 1987 Creolization and syntactic change in RomancePapers from the 7th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Giacalone Ramat, Anna, Onofrio Carruba and Giuliano Bernini (eds.), pp. 473–482 | Article
SUMMARY Is 'creolization' a process that differs fundamentally from other kinds of linguistic change? Recent debate centers round Bickerto/i's 'Language Bioprogram Hypothesis' (LBH), according to which a pure 'creole' is a newly-created language utilising the lexical items of an unstructured… read more