Geoffrey K. Pullum

List of John Benjamins publications for which Geoffrey K. Pullum plays a role.


Essays on the Sound Pattern of English

Edited by Didier L. Goyvaerts and Geoffrey K. Pullum

Subjects Phonology | Theoretical linguistics


Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Arnold M. Zwicky 1999 Gerund participles and head-complement inflection conditionsThe Clause in English: In honour of Rodney Huddleston, Collins, Peter and David Lee (eds.), pp. 251–272 | Article
Miller, Philip H., Geoffrey K. Pullum and Arnold M. Zwicky 1992 Le Principe D'inaccessibilité de la Phonologie par la Syntaxe: Trois Contre-Exemples Apparents en FrançaisLingvisticæ Investigationes 16:2, pp. 317–343 | Article
It has been proposed that there is a universal principle of grammar denying access to phonological information by syntactic rules (in English, the Principle of Phonology-Free Syntax). This paper examines three cases in French that appear to falsify this principle: (i) the claimed relevance of… read more