Rosa Rabadán
List of John Benjamins publications for which Rosa Rabadán plays a role.
The Spanish subjunctive mood and its English correspondences: A case for complexity across languages Comparing Crosslinguistic Complexity, Ström Herold, Jenny and Magnus Levin (eds.), pp. 33–56 | Article
2024 Corpus-based contrastive studies have successfully addressed the empirical study of crosslinguistic similarities and differences and may also contribute to understanding complexity across languages. This paper aims at (dis)proving whether the Spanish subjunctive mood shows greater complexity… read more
Chapter 2. Light Verb Constructions in English-Spanish translation: What corpora can tell us Corpus Use in Cross-linguistic Research: Paving the way for teaching, translation and professional communication, Izquierdo, Marlén and Zuriñe Sanz-Villar (eds.), pp. 34–50 | Chapter
2023 Light Verb Constructions (LVCs) are combinations of a partially delexicalized verb and a noun indicating an action or an event (e. g., give a description). Studies modelled on the Meaning-Text theory and qualia roles of the Generative Lexicon model propose that LVCs combine nouns and verbs… read more
Authoring support for Spanish language writers: A genre-restricted case study Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 34:2, pp. 671–711 | Article
2021 Authoring support consists of (semi)automated aids to be used at different stages during the writing process. Language information, however, tends to be restricted to areas such as spelling and grammar checking or term banks, and text construction difficulties that writers face concerning the… read more
Working with parallel corpora: Usefulness and usability Parallel Corpora for Contrastive and Translation Studies: New resources and applications, Doval, Irene and M. Teresa Sánchez Nieto (eds.), pp. 57–78 | Chapter
2019 Although parallel corpora are vital for cross-linguistic and natural language processing (NLP) research, most have been designed for just one particular purpose, which may unnecessarily restrict their usefulness and usability. My argument is that the usefulness of existing parallel corpora… read more
Proposals in meeting minutes: An English-Spanish corpus-based study Languages in Contrast 16:2, pp. 213–238 | Article
2016 This paper provides an analysis of the lexico-grammatical features used in English and Spanish in the rhetorical part pertaining to the proposal step of a particular genre, meeting minutes. The results have been used in the construction of a computerized writing aid designed to assist Spanish… read more
A corpus-based analysis of English affixal negation translated into Spanish Advances in Corpus-based Contrastive Linguistics: Studies in honour of Stig Johansson, Aijmer, Karin and Bengt Altenberg (eds.), pp. 57–82 | Article
2013 This paper reports on a corpus-based analysis of how English affixal negation is translated into Spanish and the extent to which the use and distribution of the translations differ from those in non-translated Spanish texts. Empirical data for the study are drawn from the ACTRES Parallel Corpus… read more
Applied Translation Studies Handbook of Translation Studies: Volume 1, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 7–11 | Article
2010 Corpus-based contrastive analysis and translation universals: A tool for translation quality assessment English --> Spanish Babel 55:4, pp. 303–328 | Article
2009 Project) developed at the University of León (Spain) for identifying instances of low-quality rendering of grammatical features when translating from English into Spanish using translation universals. The analysis provides information about: i) the resources available (or absence thereof) in each… read more
Refining the idea of "applied extensions" Beyond Descriptive Translation Studies: Investigations in homage to Gideon Toury, Pym, Anthony, Miriam Shlesinger † and Daniel Simeoni (eds.), pp. 103–118 | Article
2008 Divisions, description and applications: The interface between DTS, corpus-based research and contrastive analysis Doubts and Directions in Translation Studies: Selected contributions from the EST Congress, Lisbon 2004, Gambier, Yves, Miriam Shlesinger † and Radegundis Stolze (eds.), pp. 237–252 | Chapter
2007 The intersections of DTS with other related disciplines can provide potential sources of enrichment that go beyond the usual methodological divisions. This seems to be the case of corpus-based contrastive analysis which, while sharing procedures and research protocols that are properly referred to… read more
Modality and modal verbs in contrast: Mapping out a translation(ally) relevant approach English-Spanish Languages in Contrast 6:2, pp. 261–306 | Article
2006 This paper addresses the question of how English and Spanish encode the modal meanings of possibility and necessity. English modals and Spanish modal periphrases emerge as ‘cross-linguistic equivalents’ in this area. Data from two monolingual ‘comparable’ corpora — the Bank of English and CREA —… read more
The unit of translation revisited Translation: Theory and Practice, Tension and Interdependence, Larson, Mildred L. (ed.), pp. 38–48 | Article