Augustin Simo Bobda

List of John Benjamins publications for which Augustin Simo Bobda plays a role.

Simo Bobda, Augustin 2007 Some segmental rules of Nigerian English phonologyEnglish World-Wide 28:3, pp. 279–310 | Article
This paper discusses some major processes which characterise Nigerian English (NigE) phonology at the segmental level. After a review of patterns of realisation of English sounds in NigE, the paper identifies, analyses and names, where no previous names exist, the most salient contextual processes… read more
Peter, Lothar, Hans-Georg Wolf and Augustin Simo Bobda 2003 An account of distinctive phonetic and lexical features of Gambian EnglishEnglish World-Wide 24:1, pp. 43–61 | Article
The article discusses the specific features of the English used in The Gambia by looking at the phonetic and lexical markers that distinguish Gambian English from the other national varieties of West African English. The study shows that Gambian English has a number of established and exclusive… read more
Serious studies on English pronunciation in Africa, which are only beginning, have so far highlighted the regional and sociolinguistic distribution of some features on the continent. The present paper revisits some aspects of these studies and presents a sort of pronunciation atlas on the basis of… read more
With reference to Cameroon English (CamE), this paper proposes another way of analysing non-native English features: differing from the traditional approach which limits itself to surface forms, the paper proposes the tracing of deviations down to the underlying representation (UR) and suggests… read more