François Rastier

List of John Benjamins publications for which François Rastier plays a role.


Rastier, François 2010 Web Semantics vs the Semantic Web? The problem of keynessKeyness in Texts, Bondi, Marina and Mike Scott (eds.), pp. 93–110 | Article
The Semantic Web programme aims to replace the “Web of Documents” with the “Web of Data”, thus extending the classical programme of knowledge representation. In contrast, a corpus-linguistic inspired Web Semantics situates knowledge within texts and the documents that convey them. Data cannot… read more
Rastier, François 2009 Passages and Path within the IntertextNew Approaches in Text Linguistics, Mellet, Sylvie and Dominique Longrée (eds.), pp. 7–29 | Article
Abstract: In promoting the necessary consolidation of the discipline, text linguistics has supplanted the linguistics of languages, as well as language linguistics. For indeed, text linguistics is the branch which makes it possible to integrate the significant contribution of corpus linguistics. In… read more