Daniel Recasens

List of John Benjamins publications for which Daniel Recasens plays a role.


Subjects Historical linguistics | Phonology | Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

The Initiation of Sound Change: Perception, production, and social factors

Edited by Maria-Josep Solé and Daniel Recasens

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 323] 2012. x, 250 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Phonology | Theoretical linguistics
This study is an investigation of the phonetic causes of stressed mid and low vowel raising and diphthongization before single palatal consonants and [jC] sequences in the Early Romance languages, as for example [a] raising in Spanish leche derived from Latin [ˈlakte] ‘milk’. The initial… read more
Recasens, Daniel 2012 A phonetic interpretation of the sound changes affecting dark /l/ in RomanceThe Initiation of Sound Change: Perception, production, and social factors, Solé, Maria-Josep and Daniel Recasens (eds.), pp. 57–76 | Article
The paper reviews experimental and descriptive data on /l/ vocalization and elision and related vowel shifts in the Romance languages, and argues that a given sound change may be achieved through different evolutionary paths. While prevailing theories tend to attribute a single articulatory or… read more
Recasens, Daniel 2011 Velar and dental stop consonant softening in RomanceDiachronica 28:2, pp. 186–224 | Article
Experimental and descriptive evidence from the Romance languages suggests that velar and dental stop consonant softening, i.e., the process by which stops of these places of articulation turn mostly into palatoalveolar or alveolar affricates or fricatives, has proceeded gradually through… read more
Recasens, Daniel 2007 Patterns of VCV coarticulatory direction according to the DAC modelSegmental and prosodic issues in Romance phonology, Prieto, Pilar, Joan Mascaró and Maria-Josep Solé (eds.), pp. 25–39 | Article
?This paper provides support for the DAC model of coarticulation by showing that directionality patterns of vowel and consonant coarticulation in VCV sequences are inversely related. Thus, VCV sequences with dark [ɫ] exhibit more vowel-to-consonant anticipation than carryover, due to the salient… read more
This paper is an investigation processes of sound change (i.e., assimilations, dissimilations, elisions) affecting diphthongs and triphthongs derived from Latin mid low vowels in Romance. This analysis is carried out with reference to the Degree of Articulatory Constraint model of coarticulation… read more