Gisela Redeker

List of John Benjamins publications for which Gisela Redeker plays a role.


The Pragmatics of Discourse Coherence: Theories and applications

Edited by Helmut Gruber and Gisela Redeker

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 254] 2014. vii, 295 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Discourse studies | Pragmatics

Discourse and Perspective in Cognitive Linguistics

Edited by Wolf-Andreas Liebert, Gisela Redeker and Linda R. Waugh

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 151] 1997. xiv, 272 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Redeker, Gisela and Helmut Gruber 2014 Introduction: The pragmatics of discourse coherenceThe Pragmatics of Discourse Coherence: Theories and applications, Gruber, Helmut and Gisela Redeker (eds.), pp. 1–20 | Article
Vliet, Nynke van der and Gisela Redeker 2014 Explicit and implicit coherence relations in Dutch textsThe Pragmatics of Discourse Coherence: Theories and applications, Gruber, Helmut and Gisela Redeker (eds.), pp. 23–52 | Article
This study explores some of the factors that influence the probability that a coherence relation will be explicitly marked with a connective. In a corpus of 80 Dutch texts from expository and persuasive genres with annotations of the coherence structure (using Rhetorical Structure Theory, RST)… read more
Berzlanovich, Ildikó, Markus Egg and Gisela Redeker 2012 Coherence structure and lexical cohesion in expository and persuasive textsConstraints in Discourse 3: Representing and inferring discourse structure, Benz, Anton, Manfred Stede and Peter Kühnlein (eds.), pp. 137–164 | Article
This paper reports preliminary results. from an ongoing project investigating the alignment between coherence structure and lexical cohesion in thematically organized expository texts (encyclopedia entries) and intentionally structured persuasive texts (fundraising letters) at the global level of… read more
Egg, Markus and Gisela Redeker 2008 6. Underspecified discourse representationConstraints in Discourse, Benz, Anton and Peter Kühnlein (eds.), pp. 117–138 | Article
This paper proposes an approach to discourse structure that builds on syntactic structure to derive that part of discourse structure that can be captured without taking recourse to deep semantic or conceptual knowledge. This contribution is typically only partial; we intend to capture this… read more
Redeker, Gisela 2000 Coherence and structure in text and discourseAbduction, Belief and Context in Dialogue: Studies in computational pragmatics, Bunt, Harry and William Black (eds.), pp. 233–264 | Article
Liebert, Wolf-Andreas, Gisela Redeker and Linda R. Waugh 1997 IntroductionDiscourse and Perspective in Cognitive Linguistics, Liebert, Wolf-Andreas, Gisela Redeker and Linda R. Waugh (eds.), pp. ix–xiv | Miscellaneous
Redeker, Gisela 1996 Free indirect discourse in newspaper reportsLinguistics in the Netherlands 1996, Cremers, Crit and Marcel den Dikken (eds.), pp. 221–232 | Article